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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 655  

Temporary Employment of Aliens In the United States




Subpart F  

Attestations by Employers Using Alien Crewmembers for Longshore Activities in U.S. Ports

20 CFR 655.535 - The second attestation element for locations in Alaska: Employment of United States longshore workers.

  • Section Number: 655.535
  • Section Name: The second attestation element for locations in Alaska: Employment of United States longshore workers.

    (a) The second attestation element shall be satisfied when the 

employer signs Form ETA 9033-A, attesting that during the validity 

period of the attestation, the employer will employ all United States 

longshore workers made available in response to the request for dispatch 

who, in compliance with applicable industry standards in the State of 

Alaska, including safety considerations, are qualified and available in 

sufficient numbers and are needed to perform the longshore activity at 

the particular time and location attested to.

    (1) In no case shall an employer filing an attestation be required 

to hire less than a full work unit of United States longshore workers 

needed to perform the longshore activity nor be required to provide 

overnight accommodations for the longshore workers while employed. For 

purposes of this section, ``full work unit'' means the full complement 

of longshore workers needed to perform the longshore activity, as 

determined by industry standards in the State of Alaska, including 

safety considerations. Where the makeup of a

full work unit is covered by one or more collective bargaining 

agreements in effect at the time and location where longshore work is to 

be performed, the provisions of such agreement(s) shall be deemed to be 

in conformance with industry standards in the State of Alaska.

    (2) In no case shall an employer be required to provide 

transportation to the vessel where the longshore work is to be 

performed, except where:

    (i) Surface transportation is available; for purposes of this 

section, ``surface transportation'' means a tugboat or other vessel 

which is appropriately insured, operated by licensed personnel, and 

capable of safely transporting U.S. longshore workers from shore to a 

vessel on which longshore work is to be performed;

    (ii) Such transportation may be safely accomplished; and

    (iii)(A) Travel time to the vessel does not exceed one-half hour 

each way; and

    (B) Travel distance to the vessel from the point of embarkation does 

not exceed 5 miles; for purposes of this section, ``point of 

embarkation'' means a dock or landing at which U.S. longshore workers 

may be safely boarded for transport from shore to a vessel on which 

longshore work is to be performed; or

    (C) In the cases of Wide Bay, Alaska, and Klawock/Craig, Alaska, 

travel time does not exceed 45 minutes each way and travel distance to 

the vessel from the point of embarkation does not exceed 7.5 miles, 

unless the party responding to the request for dispatch agrees to lesser 

time and distance specifications.

    (3) If a United States longshore worker is capable of getting to and 

from the vessel where longshore work is to be performed when the vessel 

is beyond the time and distance limitations specified in paragraph 

(a)(2)(iii) of this section, and where all of the other criteria 

governing the employment of United States longshore workers under this 

subpart are met (e.g., ``qualified and available in sufficient 

numbers''), the employer is still obligated to employ the worker to 

perform the longshore activity. In such instance, however, the employer 

shall not be required to provide such transportation nor to reimburse 

the longshore worker for the cost incurred in transport to and from the 


    (4) Where an employer is required to provide transportation to the 

vessel because it is within the time and distance limitations specified 

in (a)(2)(iii) of this section, the employer also shall be required to 

provide return transportation to the point of embarkation.

    (b) Documentation. To substantiate the requirement in paragraph (a) 

of this section, an employer shall develop and maintain documentation to 

meet the employer's burden of proof. Such documentation shall include 

records of payments to contract stevedoring companies or private dock 

operators, payroll records for United States longshore workers employed, 

or other documentation to show clearly that the employer has met its 

obligation to employ all United States longshore workers made available 

in response to a request for dispatch who are qualified and available in 

sufficient numbers. The documentation shall specify the number of full 

work units employed pursuant to this section, the composition of such 

full work units (i.e., number of workers by job title), and the date(s) 

and location(s) where the longshore work was performed. The employer 

also shall develop and maintain documentation concerning the provision 

of transportation from the point of embarkation to the vessel on which 

longshore work is to be performed. Each time one or more United States 

longshore workers are dispatched in response to the request under 

Sec. 655.534, the employer shall retain a written record of whether 

transportation to the vessel was provided and the time and distance from 

the point of embarkation to the vessel.
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