BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Publishing Team

Our Services

Business Counseling

If you are looking for market information, industry trends or international buyers, look no further. The Global Publishing Team has over 25 international trade specialists located across the U.S. and in Embassies and Consulates worldwide. Our publishing industry specialists can help you navigate the challenges of selling foreign rights, identifying agents or sub-agents, determining markets, protecting your intellectual property rights and more.

If you are interested in learning more about how the U.S. Commercial Service can help increase your international presence, contact Publishing Team Leader Dawn Bruno at .

Market Research

The Commercial Service can provide your company with the market research needed to target the appropriate market(s) for your products and develop a marketing plan once those markets are identified. In addition to existing off-the-shelf research, the Commercial Service can prepare a tailored analysis of the market for your product. Please visit our market research library at Also, do not miss this chance to access our Publishing Market Brief guide which highlights 30 key markets for U.S. publishers.

International Partner Search

Looking to find qualified buyers, agents or partner? This report offers up to five qualified overseas contacts who have examined your materials and have expressed an interest in your products or services.

Gold Key Matchmaking Appointments

Through this service, experienced trade professionals in your target country will arrange appointments for you with pre-screened contacts whose interests and objectives match your own.

International Company Profile

Looking for background information on a potential buyer or agent? Using this service, you can request specific answers to detailed questions about potential customers or partners abroad that will reduce your risk and allow you to enter new business relationships with confidence.


The Global Publishing Team offers online webinars on key issues facing the publishing industry. We offer webinars on topics ranging from proteching your intellectual property rights to digital security issues and preparing for the Frankfurt Book Fair.

These webinars will feature industry experts and provide you with the opportunity to ask questions. Each webinar will cost $40 per registrant. We will be announcing the dates of these webinars, so check back here to register for these events.

Trade Events

The Global Publishing Team offers a variety of services at the major publishing industry events, particularly the BookExpo America, Frankfurt Book Fair, London Book Fair and the Beijing Book Fair. We can help arrange appointments for you with potential international buyers or partners at these trade shows. We can also schedule meetings for you with our international commercial specialsits from worldwide markets so you can learn firsthand about opportunities and contacts for your products or services. Contact us today to maximize your time at these shows!