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NCSC Survey

Online Customer Satisfaction Survey

We appreciate your valuable time and comments. All your responses will be held confidential and the information you provide will be used to improve our customer service.



2. Where are you located?



3. How do you purchase from GSA? (check all that apply)



4. In the past year, how often have you contacted the GSA National Customer Service Center?


  5. Think about the contact you have had with the National Customer Service Center.
    How would you rate:
a. The length of time to reach a representative
b. The courtesy of the representative
c. The professionalism of the representative
d. The representative's ability to respond in a
    timely fashion
e. The representative's ability to resolve the
    issue to your satisfaction
  6. Think about your visit to the GSA E-Resolve Web site.
    How would you rate:
a. The ease of navigation
b. The accuracy of the information
c. The ability to accomplish what you wanted
d. Your overall satisfaction with this site
e. How likely are you to use this site in the



[ About FAS | Last Modified (04/03/03) ]