Coral Protection and Monitoring: Links for Students

NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program: Things You Can Do to Protect Coral Reefs

Even if you not live near a coral reef, you can help protect coral reefs in the U.S. and around the world.

Features: Misconceptions

NOAA's National Ocean Service: Coral Reef Conservation

As stated in the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000, NOAA has the responsibility to conserve coral reef ecosystems. This page describes some of NOAA’s coral reef conservation efforts.

NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program: Coral Reefs of the World

This Web site has a variety of maps to show the distribution of corals worldwide.

Features: Graphics/Multimedia

U.S. Coral Reef Task Force

Are you interested in corals from a political standpoint? The mission of the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force is to lead, coordinate, and strengthen U.S. actions to better preserve and protect coral reef ecosystems. This site includes information about corals and U.S. policy.

NOAA's National Ocean Service Corals Tutorial: Roadmap to Resources

NOAA has many coral reef resources available online. The "roadmap to resources" is an annotated list of NOAA Web site and resources to guide educators and students information on coral reefs.

Features: Data Sources, Lesson Ideas

Bermuda's Coral Reefs

This Web site, developed by the Bermuda Biological Station for Research and the College of Exploration, presents environmental issues that affect coral reefs and in Bermuda and worldwide.

Features: Graphics/Multimedia, Data Sources, Misconceptions

The Planetary Coral Reef Foundation: Documentary Video

This web site links users to a seven-minutes video showing a documentary on coral reefs and the stresses they face.

Features: Graphics/Multimedia

Reef Replacement: Restore Coral Reefs by Growing Them

This Web page by ABC News details an exciting new technique for preserving and conserving reefs by replacing dead and dying natural coral reefs with corals grown in a controlled setting.



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