A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

   FOR RELEASE                Contact:  Jane Glickman (202) 401-1307    May 1, 1995                       Stephanie Babyak (202) 401-2311

Hicks Named Deputy Assistant Secretary for Student Financial Aid

U.S. Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley today named Elizabeth "Betsy" Hicks to head the Office of Student Financial Assistance.

As deputy assistant secretary, Hicks will oversee the Federal Pell Grant and campus-based student aid programs. In the Office of Postsecondary Education, she will be responsible for policy, training and analysis service; accounting and financial management service; institutional participation and oversight service; and field operations service.

"Betsy Hicks has a wealth of experience administering student financial aid that will be a great asset to our team," said David A. Longanecker, assistant secretary for postsecondary education. "Her experience in dealing with students, and her institutional perspective, will be especially beneficial as we continue to improve and reform our delivery of student assistance."

Since 1983, Hicks has been coordinator of financial aid for Harvard University and assistant dean of admissions and financial aid for both Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges. From 1977 to 1983 she was associate director of financial aid for the colleges.

Hicks served as the director of financial aid at Tufts University School of Medicine in 1976 and 1977. From 1972-75, she was the assistant director of financial aid for Radcliffe College and then senior financial aid officer for both Radcliffe and Harvard when the two schools merged their financial aid offices in 1975.

Hicks was president of the Massachusetts Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators and has served in various other capacities with that association since 1976. She has also been an active member of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators and served on the federal Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance, as well as other committees related to student financial assistance.

Hicks received bachelor's and master's degrees in French from the University of Detroit in 1967 and Colgate University in 1972, respectively. She served in the Peace Corps in Afghanistan from 1968-70.

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