A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

   FOR RELEASE                                Contact:  Jim Bradshaw    May 15, 1995                                       (202) 401-2310

Texas' Victoria H. Baldwin Named Principal in Residence

Victoria H. Baldwin, a school principal in Austin, Texas, was named today by Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley to be the department's "Principal in Residence."

In that position, she will provide a practitioner's viewpoint within the department and serve as a contact for principals across the country. She will report to Deputy Secretary of Education Madeleine Kunin.

"Joining us from the front lines of education, Vicki Baldwin will provide the perspective of an outstanding principal," Riley said. "As a liaison to America's principals, she will help keep us informed on the needs and issues affecting the leaders of our nation's schools."

Since 1986, Baldwin has been principal of Fulmore Middle School in Austin. The school serves grades 6-8.

In 1992 she was named the "Middle School Principal of the Year" by the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals. She was also the 1987 "A+ Principal of the Year" for Austin's Adopt-A-School program.

The Austin chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma honored her as "Woman Educator of the Year" in 1994.

Baldwin has been active in community affairs, as well. Since 1985, she has been a member of the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission. She also chaired from 1990-94 the Texas Study Committee of the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals.

In 1993, she served as a member of the Violence and Schools Joint Task Force of the state board of education and the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission. Baldwin was named a mentor principal, and Fulmore a mentor school, by the Texas Middle School Network in 1993.

Fulmore was also chosen in spring 1991 as a recipient of the "Governor's Excellence Award for Dropout Prevention."

Baldwin has a bachelor's degree in elementary and special education from the University of Texas and a master's in secondary education administration from Stephen F. Austin State University.

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