Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge
Midwest Region

Great River/Clarence Cannon NWR

Middle Mississippi River NWR

Port Louisa NWR

Two Rivers NWR


There are more than 50 mammal species found in the Upper Mississippi River corridor. One, the Indiana bat, is a federally-listed endangered species that spends the winter hibernating in caves in Indiana, Kentucky, and Missouri. In the spring and summer, Indiana bats leave their caves, sometimes flying hundreds of miles to roost and raise their young under the loose bark of dead and dying trees. Roost sites are located near rivers and streams where the bats can forage for the abundant insects that are their main food source. Indiana bats are known to roost in the bottomland forests of Mark Twain NWR Complex.

Photo of a badger - Photo credit:  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service / Gary M. Stolz


The following list contains 50+ species that have been observed on the refuge.

E = Endangered
T = Threatened
(F) = Federally Threatened or Endangered
(IA) = Iowa Threatened or Endangered
(IL) = Illinois Threatened or Endangered
(MO) = Missouri Threatened or Endangered


  • Bat, Big Brown

  • Bat, Gray E (F, IL, MO)

  • Bat, Hoary

  • Bat, Indiana E (F, IA, IL, MO)

  • Bat, Keen's

  • Bat, Little Brown

  • Bat, Red

  • Bat, Silver-haired

  • Pipistrel (bat), Eastern


  • Badger

  • Bobcat E (IA)

  • Coyote

  • Fox, Gray

  • Fox, Red

  • Mink

  • Otter, River T (IA, IL)

  • Raccoon

  • Shrew, Least T (IA)

  • Shrew, Masked

  • Shrew, Short-tailed

  • Skunk, Spotted T (IA), E (MO)

  • Skunk, Striped

  • Weasel, Least

  • Weasel, Long-tailed

  • Weasel, Short-tailed

Hoofed Animals

  • Deer, White-tailed


  • Opossum, Virginia


  • Jackrabbit, White-tailed

  • Rabbit, Eastern Cottontail


  • Beaver

  • Chipmunk, Eastern

  • Gopher, Plains Pocket

  • Lemming, Southern Bog

  • Mole, Eastern

  • Mouse, Deer

  • Mouse, House

  • Mouse, Meadow Jumping

  • Mouse, Western Harvest

  • Mouse, White-footed

  • Muskrat

  • Nutria

  • Rat, Norway

  • Squirrel, Eastern Fox

  • Squirrel, Eastern Gray

  • Squirrel, Franklin's Ground

  • Squirrel, Southern Flying

  • Squirrel, Thirteen-lined Ground

  • Vole, Meadow

  • Vole, Pine

  • Vole, Prairie

  • Woodchuck


Last updated: March 27, 2009