A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

FOR RELEASE                                       Contact:  Diane B. Jones  June 27, 1996                                              (202) 401-3725


U. S. Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley announced today that the 1996 "America Goes Back to School" effort will be led by Tipper Gore, athlete and businessman Bo Jackson, National PTA president Joan Dykstra, and Southern Illinois University president and former under secretary of education Ted Sanders. As co chairs they will work to encourage adults to become involved with their local schools to improve learning for all students.

"It is my distinct pleasure to work with such fine individuals on this important education issue," Riley said. "I have always believed that education is most effective when communities come together to support their schools and colleges. These four public leaders will help get the message out that building positive school-family-community partnerships will help provide every student with better education opportunities."

The "America Goes Back to School" initiative seeks to mobilize grassroots support for improved learning for all students during back to school time, from August through October.

Education sponsors of the back to school initiative include: American Association of School Administrators; American Federation of Teachers; Council for American Private Education; Council of Chief State School Officers; National Association of Elementary School Principals; National Association of Secondary School Principals; National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education; National Coalition of Title I/Chapter I Parents; and National Education Association.

In its second year, the America Goes Back to School effort encourages parents, grandparents, community leaders, employers and employees, the military, members of the arts and scientific communities, students, religious leaders, and other caring citizens to work together and with schools and colleges to make education better and support learning in and outside the schools.

Participants are asked to take actions to address the challenges that Riley described in his third annual State of American Education address:

America Goes Back to School: Get Involved! is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education and the Partnership for Family Involvement in Education, which represents more than 700 family, arts and education, business, religious and community groups that support family involvement in children's learning.

For more information about America Goes Back to School: Get Involved! or to receive a free activity kit, call 1 (800) USA LEARN.

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