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Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & PreserveGrizzlies live throughout Wrangell-St. Elias
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Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve
Be Bear Aware

One of the things that makes Alaska so special is that all three species of North American bears flourish here. There is a chance that you may be lucky enough to see a bear. But even if you don't you will never be far from one, because Alaska is bear country!

Brown/grizzly bears are found from the islands of southeastern Alaska to the arctic. Black bears inhabit most of Alaska's forests. Polar bears frequent the pack ice and tundra of extreme northern and western Alaska.

Bears are curious, intelligent and potentially dangerous animals, but undue fear of bears can endanger both bears and people. Many bears are killed each year by people who are afraid of them. Respecting bears and learning proper behavior in their territory will help so that if you encounter a bear, neither of you will suffer needlessly from the experience.

Most bears tend to avoid people. In most cases, if you give a bear the opportunity to do the right thing, it will. Many bears live in Alaska and many people enjoy the outdoors, but surprisingly few people even see bears. Only a tiny percentage of those few are ever threatened by a bear. A study by the state epidemiologist showed that during the first 85 years of this century, only 20 people died in bear attacks in Alaska. In the 10 years 1975-85, 19 people in Alaska were killed by dogs.

Most people who see a bear in the wild consider it the highlight of their trip. The presence of these majestic creatures is a reminder of how privileged we are to share some of the country's dwindling wilderness.

Bears and People
Black Bears are common in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park

Bears And People

Learn how to best avoid bear encounters

Close Encounters
What would YOU do?

Close Encounters! What To Do

Do YOU know how to react in a bear encounter?

 Bear Safety Brochure
Bear Safety in Alaska National Parklands
An excellent resource for learning how to be safe in bear country
Living In Harmony With Bears
A great book about Alaskan Bears 35-pages ready to print
Brown Bear
Brown/Grizzly Bears
Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game Fact Sheet
Black Bear
Black Bears
Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game Fact Sheet
Grizzly Bear Cubs  

Did You Know?
Newly born grizzly bear cubs weigh just 8-10 ounces, about the weight of a small bag of marshmallows.

Last Updated: August 07, 2006 at 13:51 EST