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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Global Change/Air Quality Project

Plant Science Research Unit
Raleigh, NC


Research aimed at discovering the genetic basis of yield and resistance to disease and environmental stresses in corn and small grains; development of superior genetic populations in corn and cereal grains; development of new techniques to evaluate, manage, and control disease problems in corn and cereal grains; determination of how atmospheric contaminants and climate change affect plant growth, development, and yield; and detailed investigations of quality constituents of forages and  delineation of plant-animal interfaces.

Dr. David Marshall, Research Leader                     

Tel:  919- 515-6819

Fax: 919- 856-4816


Spotlights header image

In Kenya, Dr. David Marshall (above) examines
wheat for signs of the stem rust fungus (right).


ARS scientists are evaluating U.S. wheat lines for rust resistance in hopes of giving U.S. wheat and barley breeders a head start towards protecting new varieties from Ug99, a deadly wheat stem rust in eastern Africa.

Collectively Facing an Ugly Rust
See March 2009 Agricultural Research magazine

 Close-up of stem rust on wheat: Click here for photo caption.


ARS scientists share 2008 Secretary's 61st Honor Award for wheat disease research.
Dr. David Marshall and Dr. Gina Brown-Guedira with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agriculture Research Service (ARS) and N.C. State’s Crop Science and Plant Pathology departments, are examining wheat grown each year in Kenya in hopes of developing varieties with resistance to a virulent form of wheat stem rust.

Racing the Clock - CALS researchers battle wheat disease in Kenya. By Natalie Hampton

Perspectives Online

Spotlights header image
 Small Grains Genotyping Laboratory  Maize Breeding and Genetics  Program
   Maize Disease Resistance Genetics Program  Global Change-Air Quality Program











 Cereal Improvement and Disease Resistance



Germplasm Enhancement of
Maize program



Last Modified: 03/09/2009
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