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Cancer Genetics Overview (PDQ®)
Health Professional Version   Last Modified: 04/23/2009
Genome Research

Resource  Description 
BLAST Search (part of the Ensembl Project; see below) Search protein or DNA sequence against metazoan genomes.
The Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP) Access to all CGAP data and biological resources.
CancerGenes Combines gene lists annotated by experts with information from key public databases such as Entrez Gene, COSMIC, and iHOP.
Cancer Genome Workbench (CGWB) Integrates clinical tumor mutation profiles with the reference human genome to improve the accuracy of mutation identification.
Chromosomal Variation in Man Searchable database of literature citations on chromosomal variants and anomalies.
Ensembl (Joint software project between the European Bioinformatics Institute and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute) Data sets resulting from an automated genome analysis and annotation process.
Genome Channel Java viewers for human genome data.
Genome Sequencing Center: Homo sapiens Maps Links to clone and accession maps of the human genome.
KMcancerDB Human gene mutation database with graphical display of molecular information for cancer-related genes.
National Center for Biotechnology Information: Genomic Biology Views of chromosomes, maps, and loci; links to other NCBI resources.
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) Catalog of human genes and genetic disorders.
International HapMap Project A variety of ways to query for SNPs in the human genome.
UCSC Genome Bioinformatics Reference sequence for the human and C. elegans genomes and working drafts for the mouse, rat, Fugu, Drosophila, C. briggsae, yeast, and SARS genomes.

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health