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Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
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Data Chart

Understanding Data

Data defines injury problems
in your community and determines the cause


"Many Americans do not understand the magnitude of the injury problem in this country. Data allow us to show how many people are injured each year and how many die or suffer permanent disabilities as a result of those injuries. Data show us where the biggest injury problems are so we can best focus our resources and data let us know whether our efforts to prevent injuries are effective"(CDC Injury Fact Book)

Data Basics pdf icon (pdf 62 KB). Here is a quick summary of data including a definition, types, uses, and sources. Principles of Epidemiology pdf icon
Large File! (pdf-6 MB) FREE TEXT COPY!
An easy to understand textbook to introduce you to the study of epidemiology and statistics.
Definition of Epidemiology pdf icon
(pdf-49KB) Chapter 1 of Principles
of Epidemiology.
It defines epidemiology in detail. Get the entire book in the link on the right.


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Data Collection and Presentation
Epidemiology Study Designs. pdf icon
(pdf-78 KB) Here is a chart of the various type of studies that you can use to help frame your injury prevention data collection project.
MMWR Framework for Presenting Injury Mortality Data. pdf icon (pdf-325 KB)This document is intended to assist persons involved in planning and evaluating injury control programs and are relevant for all persons who collect, code, analyze, and report injury data.
Injury Surveillance Training Manual. pdf icon Large File! (pdf-9.7 MB)
To assist with Step 1-Defining the Problem. This manual is designed for developing injury surveillance (data) systems. It describes the steps needed to establish and maintain an injury surveillance system, and more!
Analyzing Data: Epi Info!
A free program from CDC in which you can enter and analyze your data. Most data programs can cost over $1,000. Download this one free today! Tutorials included on the website.
Tips for Collecting Injury Data pdf icon
(pdf-39 KB)
A helpful tip sheet for better injury data collection.
Statistics: The Basics pdf icon (pdf-53 KB) Statistics is the math that is used to analyze and interpret data. Get a primer here.

Data Collection Form 1 pdf icon (pdf-25 KB)

Data Collection Form 2 pdf icon (pdf-15 KB)
Here are example injury data collection form. Each data form will need to be tailored to the specific project you are working on.


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Reference Material Databases-ready to use
National Center for Health Statistics web link iconAn alphabetic list of heath data terms defined by the NCHS. wisquars iconWISQARS web link icon
A program created by the Center for Disease Control to research current specific injury statistics even down to very minor details such as age, gender and race.
CDC's Glossary of Epidemiology web link iconAn alphabetic list of epidemiology terms and concepts. FARS web link iconNHTSA maintains this Fatality Analysis Reporting System which offers a powerful approach for retrieving fatal car crash information.

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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852