U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
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Data & Statistics

Data continues to prove why
we need injury prevention

Quick Browse:

American Indian/Alaska Native Injury Injury Stats

10 Leading Causes of All Deaths, 2004 PDF (pdf-77KB) AI/AN, all ages, both sexes (Table) 10 Leading Causes of Unintentional Injury Deaths, 2004 pdf icon (pdf-39KB) AIAN, all ages, both sexes (Pie Chart)
10 Leading Causes of All Deaths
PDF (pdf-64KB) AIAN, by age group 1-44 (Pie Chart)
10 Leading Causes of Unintentional Injury Deaths
pdf icon (pdf-64KB) AIAN, by age group
1-44 (Pie Charts)
2002 American Indian/Alaska Native Injury Death Rate Statistics
(pdf-86KB) An easy quick read to see the 2002 AIAN injury mortality facts broken down by ages, gender and injury topic.
American Indian Unintentional Injury Death Rates pdf icon (pdf-43KB)
Chart, 2004 Center for Disease Control rate per 100,000 by race

Injuries Among Native Americans: Fact Sheet PDF(pdf-44KB)
Get a summary of general Native American injury facts from CDC.

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U.S. Injury Data & Statistics

10 Leading Causes of All Deaths, 2004 PDF (pdf-77KB) US, all races, all ages, both sexes (Table)

10 Leading Causes of Unintentional Injury Deaths, 2004
PDF (pdf-39KB) US, all races, all ages, both sexes (Pie Chart)
10 Leading Causes of All Deaths
PDF (pdf-40KB) US, all races, age groups 1-44 (Pie Chart)
10 Leading Causes of Unintentional Injury Deaths
PDF (pdf-64KB) US, all races, age groups 1-44 (Pie Chart)
National Unintentional Injury Death Rate PDF(pdf-43KB) 2004 Center for Disease Control rate per 100,000 (Chart) 2002 U.S. Injury Mortality Facts
(pdf-135KB) An easy quick read to see the 2002 US injury mortality highlighted facts.
  2000 Injury Death Rates by Topic
PDF (pdf-52KB) Get Stats for the US injury deaths broken down by number of deaths per injury topic.

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10 Leading Causes of All Deaths, 2004 PDF (pdf-86KB)
Washington State, all ages
AIAN vs. All Races (Table)
10 Leading Causes of Unintentional Injury Deaths, 2004
PDF (pdf-86kb) Washington State, all ages AIAN vs. All Races (Pie Chart)

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10 Leading Causes of All Deaths, 2004 PDF (pdf-86KB) Oregon State, all ages AIAN vs. All Races (Table)10 Leading Causes of Unintentional Injury Deaths, 2004
PDF (pdf-86KB) Oregon State, all ages
AIAN vs. All Races (Pie Chart)

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10 Leading Causes of All Deaths, 2004 PDF (pdf-86KB) Idaho State, all ages AIAN vs. All Races (Table) 10 Leading Causes of Unintentional Injury Deaths, 2004
PDF (pdf-86KB) Idaho State, all ages
AIAN vs. All Races (Pie Charts)

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Data & Statistics Resources


Injury Data
Find Injury Data Here!
National Center for Health Statistics

National Center for Health Statistics

NVSSNational Vital Statistics System
Information & Stats
by Injury Topic
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red dot Violence
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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852