Exactly one week after an historic presidential election and with the winds of change lingering in the air, the Rodale Institute and The Organic Center made history by inviting a star cast of organic dignitaries and supporters to the Chelsea Art Museum in New York City to celebrate a paradigm shift in agriculture. The “Ripe for Revolution” message was nothing less than revolutionary: Converting farms to organic production is the single most-significant step we can take to fight global warming, prevent famine, improve the health of our families and create lasting ecological sustainability.

“Both in terms of turnout for the event as well as continued interest afterwards, it is clear that the time is truly ripe for a movement that organic can be a significant solution in solving the most pressing problems of our time,” said Rodale Institute communications director Paula Hunker. 

This event kicks off a national awareness campaign where the science showing how organic can solve the problems related to global warming, human health, ecological sustainability and worldwide hunger will be made accessible through on- and off-line outreach, including a micro-site accessed from both Rodale Institute and The Organic Center’s Web sites. Full story >>

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Revolutionary Truths

The Organic Center and Rodale Institute, in the course of our research, have both discovered there is a solution to some of the world’s most pressing issues. And, we’ve come to the same conclusion: Organic is the solution. These are the facts that support such a revolutionary statement.



Environmental Sustainabilty

An Organic Green Revolution


Revolutionary Nutrition, 1


Revolutionary Nutrition, 2


A Solution to Climate Change


Organic Solution