The Division of Specialized Information Services (SIS) of the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) announces a new "Advanced" version of the ChemIDplus chemical search database ( ChemIDplus Advanced complements the recently released ChemIDplus Lite (, which does not allow structure searching.
ChemIDplus Advanced replaces the previous structure search page. It provides greater searching options, such as:

**Chemical Structure searching using the newest MDL ISISDirect software (by substructure, similarity, and individual structure)

**Chemical Structure drawing input by the ChemAxon Marvin Java applet, editor, as well as the MDL Chime and ISISDraw combination

**Numeric searching by biological endpoints, including LD50 and LC50 (the user may specify Test, Species, Route, and Effect; both ranging and exact match are available)

**Numeric chemical property search and display on eight fields such as Melting Point and Boiling Point, Water Solubility, LogP, and molecular weight

**Tracking of your query history, including display of structures searched, and the capability to re-run or modify old searches during a session.

The Advanced and Lite interfaces run against the same ChemIDplus database as previously, with the addition of new chemical and biological data tables to give property searching capability.

Questions about ChemIDplus Advanced can be sent to:


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