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Bureau for Policy and Program Coordination

The Challenge

USAID's Bureau for Policy and Program Coodination (PPC) develops and coordinates policies and strategies for addressing the challenges facing development, by strategically allocating resources consistent with U.S. national interests, values and foreign policy objectives. PPC achieves this through providing the most up-to date knowledge for development; shaping the global policy debate on development assistance and humanitarian relief; applying strategic budgeting and performance monitoring; and coordinating with other U.S. agencies and other donor governments.

Objectives, Sectors and Workforce

Profile Tables

Definitions of Information Contained in the Country Profile Tables

Please note: All linked documents below are in PDF format

Program Budget (Appropriations by Objective) FY 2004 ($000) FY 2005 ($000) FY 2006 ($000) FY 2007 ($000) Percent Change FY 04-07 2005 SO Performance Score Direct SO Admin. Cost Ratio
996-013 Learning from Experience  10,208 12,481 9,467 8,181 -19.9% 0.88 Not Met 1.11
Country Total  10,208 12,481 9,467 8,181 -19.9%

Assistant Administrator: Douglass Menarchik

Program Budget (Appropriations by Account) FY 2004
FY 2005
FY 2006
FY 2007
Percent Change
FY 04-07
Child Survival and Health Programs Fund  4,310 3,277 2,574 1,386 -67.8%
Development Assistance  5,898 9,204 6,893 6,795 15.2%
Total  10,208 12,481 9,467 8,181 -19.9%


Program Budget by Sector and Account FY 2004
FY 2005
FY 2006
FY 2007
Percent Change
FY 04-07
Basic Education DA 1,860 0 0 0 N/A
Agriculture and Environment DA 2,368 1,503 1,120 1,110 -53.1%
Higher Education & Training DA 390 0 0 0 N/A
Economic Growth DA 690 5,305 3,793 3,715 438.4%
Democracy and Governance DA 590 427 320 315 -46.6%
Conflict Management / Humanitarian Assistance DA 0 1,969 1,660 1,655 N/A
Family Planning / Reproductive Health CSH 1,500 1,083 1,188 0 N/A
HIV / AIDS CSH 1,440 1,335 1,386 1,386 -3.8%
Child Survival and Maternal Health CSH 220 0 0 0 N/A
Other Infectious Diseases CSH 1,150 859 0 0 N/A
Total  10,208 12,481 9,467 8,181 -19.9%


Workforce FY 2004
FY 2005
FY 2006
FY 2007
Percent Change
FY 04-07
US Direct Hires  71 81 79 80 12.7%
US Non Direct Hires  8 14 16 13 62.5%
Foriegn Nationals  0 0 0 0 N/A
Total  79 95 95 93 17.7%


Operating Expense FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Percent Change
FY 04-07
Salaries and benefits  0 0 0 0 N/A
Travel  0 0 513 513 N/A
Transportation of things  0 0 1 1 N/A
Rent  0 0 0 0 N/A
Security  0 0 0 0 N/A
Equipment  0 0 362 362 N/A
Total OE Budget  0 0 876 876 N/A
US direct hire salary and benefits 8,940 9,641 9,508 10,107 13.1%
Program Funded Administrative Expenses        2,672
Country Total Administrative Budget        13,655
Percent of Bureau OE Total        100.0%


Operating Unit Summary FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007
Program per US Direct Hire ($000) 144 154 120 102
Program per All US ($000) 129 131 100 88
Program per Position ($000) 129 131 100 88
Operating Expense as % of Program Funding       10.7%
Program Funded Admin Expense as % of Total Admin       19.6%
Total Admin Expense as % of Program Funding       166.9%

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Mon, 05 Jun 2006 11:00:06 -0500