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May 09, 2009
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APTA > Services & Programs > Dump The Pump Online Toolkit  

2009 Dump the Pump Day Online Toolkit

Dump The Pump Banner

In these tough economic times everyone is looking to save wherever they can.  This June the American Public Transportation Association (APTA)  and transit systems across the country will celebrate the fourth annual National Dump the Pump day on Thursday, June 18, 2009.

The day is designed to encourage people to get out of their cars and ride public transportation to raise awareness of the financial benefits of transit.  Public transportation has the ability to save people money, conserve gasoline, and reduce the harmful greenhouse gases emitted into our environment.

APTA developed this online toolkit to assist transit agencies in carrying out your dump the pump activities. 

For more information contact Lesa Rair

2009 Dump the Pump Day Activities

Doing something unique and exciting, let us know about it!  Contact Virginia Miller at or 202-496-4816.

Press Release:


Invitation to Community Leaders and Elected Officials

Fact Sheets


Use these logos to brand your Dump the Pump day activities and materials.

Email Postcard

Send this to community members and local stakeholders announcing you are participating in Dump the Pump day.

Coming soon!

Dump the Pump Buttons

Print these premade designs to create buttons for your staff, or as a give away at an event.

Button-gas pump logo

Transit Ads

Use these premade designs to advertise Dump the Pump day to your community.

King Size – 30” x 144”

Coming soon

Queen Size – 30” x 88”

Coming soon

Tail light – 21” x 72” 

Coming soon

Interior Bulkhead – 22” x 21”

Coming soon

Interior Display -11” x 28”

Coming soon

Bus Shelter- 68 ½ “ x 47”

Coming soon

Animated Ads

Use these premade animated ads to promote Dump the Pump day on your website or out in the community.

Coming soon


Some of these pages may include links to documents in the Adobe PDF format. Please download the Adobe PDF reader if you have not already done so.