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May 9, 2009   
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Global Projects

Project Title

Impact Assessment Framework: Further Development and follow-up to Tracer and Tracking Methodologies



Project Duration

September 2006 – March 2011 

Fiscal Year & Funding Level

FY2006: $2,300,000

Problem to be Addressed

The development of the child labor impact assessment framework is aimed at examining to what extent USDOL projects have achieved their development objectives—the elimination of the worst forms of child labor—as a result of specific interventions. At the same time, the impact assessment methodology should be able to identify and measure both short and long-term effects on children. The methodologies should also be able to help managers identify what has worked, what has not worked, and what has led to the perceived impact.

Project Objectives

Development Objective:  Support the overall operational objectives for the progressive elimination of child labor by providing a methodology for assessing impact on children and their families of specific interventions.  This will be done through the following immediate objectives:

  • An impact assessment framework is in place with methodologies and tools established and pilot tested to plan for and measure direct and indirect impact, focusing on key practical interventions, and for use by partners;

  • A number of impact assessments initiatives have been identified and supported and results are available as applicable as part of IPEC’s knowledge base.

Summary of Activities

  • Develop guidelines for assessing indirect impact of policy development, institutional building and social mobilization and awareness-raising;

  • Develop institutional assessment for organizations to use to identify what they need to change in order to take action against child labor;

  • Revised tracer methodology to reflect a more participatory approach and cost-effective version, including guidelines for ethical considerations;

  • Refine tracking guidelines, support a number of tracking systems, document good practices with tracking systems and tracer studies, update inventory of tracking systems and tracer studies.


International Labor Organization’s International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor (ILO-IPEC)

 Contact Information

Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking

(202) 693-4843


Phone Numbers