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Global Projects

Project Title

Worldwide Awareness against Child Labor/ Global March Against Child Labor



Project Duration

March 2000 – January 2004 (Closed)

Fiscal Year & Funding Level

FY1996:  $174,178

Problem to be Addressed

The ILO estimates that there are 211 million child laborers in the world today, yet there is widespread tolerance and lack of awareness of child labor at the local, national and international levels.

Project Objectives

Development Objective:  The elimination of child labor through the mobilization of multi-sectoral support and international solidarity around child labor.  This was to be accomplished through the following immediate objectives:

  • Sensitize and raise awareness of communities, civil society, governments, and private sector about child labor.

  • Mobilize public opinion and action against the social injustices which contribute to child labor, urge governments to adopt policies which protect children, and promote the provision of rehabilitative and education alternatives for child laborers.

Summary of Activities

  • Supported the “Global March Against Child Labor” across 80,000 kilometers in 56 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas, to raise awareness and ownership of child labor issues and gauge support for eliminating child labor;

  • Built capacity of partners in developing countries to organize local, national, regional and international-level activities related to the Global March and strengthened network of organizations combating child labor;

  • Encouraged governments to make specific commitments to work towards the elimination of exploitative child labor at meetings and rallies held during the Global March.  In June 1998, brought international attention on child labor to support the ratification of Convention 182 on the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor.


International Labor Organization’s International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor (ILO-IPEC)

Implementing Partners

Global March Against Child Labor.
International Secretariat: South Asian Child Laborers Freedom March (Delhi) Headquarters for 27 participants from 17 countries.

Regional Coordinators: Visayan Forum Foundation (Philippines); Abrinq Foundation (Brazil); Terre des Hommes Suisse (Switzerland); The Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect-ANPPCAN (Kenya);  WAO-Afrique (Togo); Defensa de los Niños Internacional (Costa Rica); Mani Tese (Italy); and Salvati Copiii (Romania).  Numerous national coordinators.

Contact Information

Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking

(202) 693-4843


Phone Numbers