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May 9, 2009   
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Global Projects

Project Title

Community Based Innovations to Combat Child Labor Through Education I & II     (CIRCLE I & II)



Project Duration

CIRCLE I: 60 months (July 2002-December 2007)    CIRCLE II: 48 months (April 2004 – April 2008)

Fiscal Year & Funding Level

CIRCLE I:  FY2001: $5,000,000
   Plus FY2004 USAID funds: $500,000
CIRCLE II: FY2003: $3,085,000
CIRCLE II: FY2007: $85,000

Problem to be Addressed

Many community-based organizations in areas of high child labor may have innovative ideas and approaches to combat child labor through education, but may not   have access to funds to carry out their ideas.  The CIRCLE project fills this need by providing up to $250,000 to community-based organizations.  CIRCLE I and II are similar, but CIRCLE II designates “targeted” sectors of child labor and combines “commissioned” contracts with Urgent Action Contracts of up to $3,000 available for very small projects that address an immediate need.

Project Objectives

  1. Identify and promote innovative, locally developed, and community-based pilot projects that successfully address the prevention (or reduction) of child labor through education.
  2. Document their Best Practices and replicable aspects

Summary of Activities

Funding was made available in 27 countries to enroll and educate children in innovative, community-based programs in areas of high child labor.  CIRCLE has funded 90 initiatives undertaken by over 80 community-based organizations in 23 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin American and Eastern Europe.  As of August 31, 2007, 24,194 children have been withdrawn or prevented from exploitive child labor as a result of this project.


Winrock International

Implementing Partners

Various non-governmental organizations and community groups.

Contact Information

Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human
Trafficking (OCFT)
(202) 693-4843


Phone Numbers