U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
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Chief Clinical Consultants
Accessing Services

Services provided by Chief Clinical Consultants may vary because of the unique roles of each discipline or specialty. All Chief Clinical Consultants are available in the following manners.

Telephone Consultation

Many questions can be quickly answered by speaking directly with the Chief Clinical Consultant in the discipline or specialty of interest. Written material can sometimes be provided as well as references to other resources.

Written Consultation

General information regarding policy and procedure, standards of care, privileging, credentialing, peer review, risk management, and facility planning can sometimes be provided as written material without the need for a site visit.

Site Visits

Site visits are done for such activities as program planning, program evaluation, peer review, and risk management. Site visits must be requested and scheduled in advance. The cost of a site visit may be the responsibility of the requesting site.

Chief Clinical Consultant Corner monthly newletter

The Chief Clinical Consultant Corner monthly newletter is a great resource for up to date clinical and program information. It is published online, in hard copy, and the electronic highlights are distributed by e-mail. If you want to subscribe to this free newsletter on one or more of those modalities please contact Jean Howe MD.

Advances in Indian Health Conference

"Advances in Indian Health Conference" is Indian Country's primary care conference is designed by and for primary care clinical staff in all I/T/U settings. "Advances" takes place in Albuquerque, NM each Spring (usually on or about the week of May 1st) and lasts 3+ days. A range of primary care topics is taught by clinicians experienced in the care of Native American patients, such as the Chief Clinical Consultants. Special emphasis is placed on issues of particular importance in Indian Country, such as diabetes and substance abuse. To see the current and past year's conference brochures, as well as for registration and other information, go to the University of New Mexico Office of CME website. Or contact the Chief Clinical Consultant for Family Medicine and Course Director.

National Meetings

Most Chief Clinical Consultants organize or participate in national meetings for their discipline or speciality, involving primarily or exclusively clinicians in Indian Health. If you are interested in a discipline specific meeting please call the appropriate Chief Clinical Consultant.
