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Message from EEOC Chairwoman Ida L. Castro

Chairwoman Ida L. Castro
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I am Ida L. Castro, Chairwoman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. I am pleased to welcome you to our Web site commemorating EEOC's 35th anniversary. For 35 years the EEOC has been at the forefront of America's commitment to equality and opportunity at the workplace. Thirty five years ago workers were often denied access to better paying jobs simply because of their race, color, gender, national origin or religion. Often times they were paid less for doing the exact same jobs as their male or white counter parts. Sexual harassment and glass ceilings were the norm. People with disabilities were left out altogether and employees were often dismissed or relegated to less than desirable jobs due to age or religion.

Since the enactment of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the workplace has changed dramatically. Indeed, the younger generations may find it easy to assume that workplaces have always reflected the rich diversity we commonly find today. Yet, today, the EEOC still finds itself challenging workplace practices that continue to prevent employees from fulfilling their greatest potential. Our workload reflects that glass ceilings, wage discrimination and sexual harassment remain prevalent in our society. In the last decade, we have seen a continuous rise in charges alleging racial and national origin harassment. Age and religious discrimination, as well as hiring and accommodation issues for individuals with disabilities remain at the forefront of our activities.

At the dawn of the 21st Century, I am proud to say that EEOC will continue to play a key role to ensure that America's promise of equal opportunity for all becomes a reality. In order to maintain our steady path towards equality of opportunity in the workplace, it is important to review our history and take stock of our accomplishments. Our 35th Anniversary Web site will recreate our journey. I invite you to witness the struggles of the courageous many who have supported our mission without hesitation and to join us in our continued efforts to eradicate discrimination in America's workplace.


Signature of Ida L. Castro

Ida L. Castro

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