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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 575  

Waiver of Child Labor Provisions for Agricultural Employment of 10 and 11 Year Old Minors In Hand Harvesting of Short Season Crops

29 CFR 575.8 - Secretary's conditions for employment under the waiver.

  • Section Number: 575.8
  • Section Name: Secretary's conditions for employment under the waiver.

    The Secretary prescribes the following terms and conditions for the 
protection of minors employed pursuant to a waiver granted under section 
13(c)(4) of the Act:
    (a) An employer or group of employers granted such a waiver shall 
obtain and keep on file a signed statement of the parent or person 
standing in the place of the parent of each 10 and 11-year old minor 
employed consenting to the employment of such minor under the waiver.
    (b) Any employment pursuant to a waiver shall be in compliance with 
applicable Federal and State laws, and any regulations issued under 
    (c) No employer or group of employers shall employ any 10 or 11 year 
old minor pursuant to a waiver for more than 5 hours in any one day or 
for more than 30 hours in any workweek with a meal break of at least 30 
minutes and two rest breaks of at least 15 minutes each.
    (d) An employer or group of employers granted such a waiver shall 
provide immediately adjacent to the field(s) to be hand harvested: (1) 
Adequate sanitary facilities, such as portable toilets; (2) adequate and 
clean drinking water in covered containers with spouts, and an adequate 
supply of paper or plastic cups for individual drinking use; and (3) a 
specified adult employee, who is appropriately equipped and is 
knowledgeable about first-aid treatment and readily available to give 
such treatment when needed.
    (e) An employer or group of employers granted such a waiver shall 
provide emergency transportation either to the minor's permanent 
residence or to the nearest hospital for any 10 or 11 year old hand 
harvester who becomes ill or is injured during the normal hours of 
    (f) No 10 or 11 year old employed under a waiver shall ride upon or 
be employed in the operation of or in the close proximity to any power 
driven machinery or equipment. Generally, a distance of fifty feet or 
more will be construed to meet the requirement
that employment not be in ``close proximity'' to machinery or equipment.
    (g) An employer or group of employers granted such a waiver who 
owns, operates, or causes to be operated any vehicle for the 
transportation of such minors shall be responsible for assuring that:
    (1) Every such vehicle is in compliance with all applicable Federal 
and State safety and health standards and with the rules and regulations 
issued by the Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, Federal Highway 
Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation;
    (2) Every such vehicle be designed for transporting passengers and 
be operated by a lawfully licensed driver; and
    (3) A vehicle liability insurance policy provides insurance in an 
amount not less than the amounts applicable to vehicles used in the 
transportation of passengers under the Interstate Commerce Act and its 
regulations. These amounts currently are as follows:

               Insurance Required for Passenger Equipment               
                                                               More than
                                                  12 or less      12    
                                                  passengers  passengers
Limit for bodily injuries to or death of 1                              
 person.........................................    $100,000    $100,000
Limit for bodily injuries to or death of all                            
 persons injured or killed in any 1 accident                            
 (subject to a maximum of $100,000 for bodily                           
 injuries to or death of 1 person)..............     300,000     500,000
Limit for loss or damage in any 1 accident to                           
 property of others (excluding cargo)...........      50,000      50,000

    (h) A copy of the waiver shall be posted or readily available at the 
site or sites of such employment of such minors during the entire 
    (i) The employer or group of employers shall maintain and preserve a 
record of the name, address, and occupation of each minor employed under 
the waiver in accordance with Sec. 516.33(b) of this chapter. In 
addition, the record shall also include the date of birth, the name and 
address of the school in which the minor is enrolled, and the number of 
hours worked each day and each week of the designated period. Each 
employer required to maintain records under this part shall preserve 
them for a period of at least 2 years.
    (j) A waiver shall be effective for the period designated therein 
with no provision for amendment
[43 FR 26562, June 21, 1978; 43 FR 28471, June 30, 1978]
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