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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 575  

Waiver of Child Labor Provisions for Agricultural Employment of 10 and 11 Year Old Minors In Hand Harvesting of Short Season Crops

29 CFR 575.4 - Information to be included in application.

  • Section Number: 575.4
  • Section Name: Information to be included in application.

    An application for a waiver pursuant to section 13(c)(4) of the Act 
shall contain the following information:
    (a) The name, address, and zip code of the employer, or each 
employer of a group of employers, and the authorized representative, if 
any, of an employer or group.
    (b) The telephone number and area code for any employer or 
authorized representative from whom additional information concerning 
the application may be obtained.
    (c) The address, location, and/or area (State, county, and/or other 
geographic designation), clearly identifying each employer's farm(s) or 
field(s) where 10 and 11 year old hand-harvest laborers are to be 
    (d) The specific crop or crops to be hand-harvested at each 
designated farm or field.
    (e) Substantiation of the claim that such agricultural operation 
``is customarily and generally recognized as being paid on a piece rate 
basis in the region in which such individuals would be employed.'' The 
Administrator will accept signed statements to that effect from 
agricultural employers and employees and others, such as agricultural 
extension agents, in the region of employment who are familiar with 
farming operations and practices in the region and with the method of 
compensation used in such operations and practices.
    (f) Designated dates of not more than 8 weeks an any calendar year, 
between June 1 and October 15, during which it is anticipated that 10 
and 11 year old minors will be employed in the hand-harvesting of the 
specified short season crop or crops.
    (g) A statement that the 10- and 11-year old hand harvesters will be 
employed outside school hours.
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