
image of bufkit displayBUFKIT is a forecast profile visualization and analysis tool kit developed by the staff at the National Weather Service (NWS) office in Buffalo, NY and the Warning Decision Training Branch (WDTB) in Norman, OK. Its use is widespread in the NWS, Department of Defense, University, and Environment Canada locations.  BUFKIT is available to anyone who is interested in the analysis of forecast hourly profiles.


To get the latest version of the Bufkit program:  Click here

Now you need to retrieve computer model data to view in Bufkit. This site has all the data you need. Once there, this is what you need to do:

To save data using the selection map and then view the data in Bufkit:

From the data selection map, right click on a location-dot for which you want to view a sounding. Then choose "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..." and choose a directory where you would like to put the bufkit sounding file for that site (e.g. Program FilesBUFKITData). Some browsers may want to add a ".txt" extension to the downloaded file name... you should prevent it from doing so. Now, start the Bufkit application and click on the button near the right-hand-side labelled "Select". Toward the left-hand-side, another button will appear labelled "Archive". Click on "Archive" and then select the file you just downloaded from your system and then click "Open". The sounding should then appear on the display. There are also ways to have Bufkit automatically present downloaded data for selection from a list after clicking "Archive" by modifying the file "Program FilesBUFKITBufkit.cfg" in your installation. See http://www.erh.noaa.gov/buf/bufkit/bufkitdocs.html for additional details.

To save data using bufget:

Bufget comes with the bufkit package and can be used to download bufkit files in a more automated fashion. After starting bufget, enter/modify the download URL page with entries for the profiles you want, e.g.:


Notice the above selections include "latest" as part of the URL to ensure the most recently available data are downloaded. Save this set of entries in a profile list for future use by clicking one of the red "Save Profile List" buttons near the bottom. This will allow you to do the same download on subsequent days by clicking a button from the "Load Profile List".
When you are ready to download, click "Get Profiles" at the top of the page. The profiles should begin downloading via the ftp protocol with status messages printed at the bottom. If socket or other communications errors occur, you may have to exit bufget and restart it with a second attempt. After the download completes, fire up bufkit and click on the desired model and station at the top of the screen... the data you just downloaded should appear.


  • National Weather Service
  • Milwaukee/Sullivan, WI Weather Forecast Office
  • N3533 Hardscrabble Road
  • Dousman, WI 53118
  • 414-744-8000
  • Page Author: MKX Webmaster
  • Web Master's E-mail: w-mkx.webmaster@noaa.gov
  • Page last modified: March 6th 2009 12:05 AM
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