U.S. Department of Education Seeks Nominations for American Stars of Teaching
Archived Information

January 9, 2007
Contact: Jane Glickman or Stephanie Babyak
(202) 401-1576

The U.S. Department of Education is seeking nominations for its fourth annual American Stars of Teaching project, which recognizes exemplary teachers who raise student achievement, use innovative classroom strategies and make a difference in their students' lives, Secretary Margaret Spellings announced today.

"Few people are as important to the future of our children and this nation as are our hard-working teachers. American Stars of Teaching challenge, help, support, prod and go the extra mile to help their students learn and take pride in their achievements," Spelling said. "These 'Stars' represent the thousands of teachers in our nation's schools who are committed to the growth of each and every student and are willing to spend the time, effort and energy necessary to make sure that none are left behind."

The American Stars of Teaching project is a component of the Department's Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative, which was developed by teachers for teachers. Its overall goal is to engage some of the nation's best teachers and practitioners in sharing strategies for raising student achievement and informing teachers of the latest successful research-based practices. The initiative also includes regional and district summer workshops for teachers, roundtables, regular e-mail updates and other professional development opportunities.

Teachers across all grade levels and disciplines will be honored this fall as 2007 American Stars of Teaching. One teacher will be recognized from every state and the District of Columbia. Colleagues, parents, students, school administrators or members of the community may nominate a teacher they believe has demonstrated the skills, talents and qualities that personify an American Star of Teaching.

Last year the Department received more than 4,000 nominations for the program. Honorees were selected by a committee composed of former K-12 teachers who now work for the U.S. Department of Education. As in the past, Education Department officials will again visit the schools of American Star teachers to congratulate them on their success.

Nominations for American Stars must be submitted to the Department by March 31. The online nomination form and more information about the Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative are available at



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Last Modified: 01/09/2007