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Relocation Income Tax Allowances

Travel and Transportation Training
(703) 605-0555
Fax (703) 605-2188
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Picture of tax form, money and calculator

Course Number: 1750

This course looks at the treatment of reimbursed moving expenses by federal tax regulations. Students learn to distinguish between federal tax regulations and the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) in reaching correct decisions concerning Relocation Income Tax (RIT) allowances and its impact on personnel assigned to new duty stations.

Frequent changes in tax laws and regulations make annual training advisable for those who must know how to identify and calculate allowable moving expenses and taxable income. Instructional methods include lectures and discussions. Students should bring hand calculators to class.

Intended for: travel specialists, certifying officers, personnel specialists, administrative officers, and others who prepare agency travel authorizations and regulation/policy.

Prerequisite: Relocation Allowances: Course Number 1745

Cost: $875

Length: 2 days

Core Hours: 8:30 a.m.  - 3:30 p.m.


Relocation Income Tax Allowances
Denver, CO 1750-01 Apr. 14-15, 2009
1750-02 Aug. 18-19, 2009
San Diego, CA 1750-03 Mar. 16-17, 2009
Washington, DC 1750-04 Jan. 21-22, 2009
1750-05 Mar. 24-25, 2009
1750-06 May 27-28, 2009
1750-07 Aug. 4-5, 2009

To register for this class, go to How to Register. For more information, please call the GSA Professional Development and Training Section at (703) 605-0555, or email