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NOAA's Sustainable Fisheries Leadership Awards
About The Award
Award Categories, Criteria & Nomination Process
About The Artwork
2006 Awards
2007 Awards
About The Award

The Sustainable Fisheries Leadership Awards were created to recognize outstanding performance, achievements and leadership by industries, organizations and individuals whose contributions to science and management have served to promote best stewardship practices for the sustained use of the Nation's living marine resources.

The Sustainable Fisheries Leadership Awards were initiated in June 2005 by the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries. With the assistance of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee, criteria were established for six award categories encompassing the fundamental elements necessary for promoting a public stewardship ethic over our nation's living marine resources and assisting NOAA with fulfilling its stewardship mission. NOAA has partnered with the Fish for the Future Foundation to provide a means for the diverse community of constituents to support the Stewardship Awards. This is the second annual awards event.

Administered by NOAA Fisheries Service, nominations to the Sustainable Fisheries Leadership Awards are to be held annually for the following award categories.

  • Special Recognition Award
  • Stewardship and Sustainability Award
  • Conservation Partnership Award
  • Science, Research and Technology Award
  • Coastal Habitat Restoration Award
  • Public Education, Community Service & Media Award

Nominations for the first annual awards were solicited in November 2005, resulting in 48 nominations. Winners for the inaugural awards were announced in April 2006 and an awards ceremony held in June 2006 in Washington, D.C.


The awards program is open to industry sectors, organizations, individuals, state, local and federal government agencies and their employees. Organizations, individuals and agencies cannot nominate themselves. Employees of NOAA Fisheries Service are not eligible to receive an award under any category. The awarding of categories will be entirely dependent on the pool of eligible candidates received and the agency's determination as to their qualifications. As such, there may be years in which one or more categories are not awarded.



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