U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
“Leading Indian Health Care Education”  
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Office of Continuing Education

After the educational activity is over, the members of the planning committee will want to read and analyze the evaluation data you have collected. You will no doubt want to know if the goals and objectives were achieved, and whether you were able to answer the learning needs originally identified when planning began. Not only will the data give you feedback about how successful this activity was, but they will help you do a better job planning the next one.

Although it is difficult to face one more task after a meeting has concluded, and it may be tempting to put the evaluations on the shelf to be looked at later, the best time to examine the findings is while the event is fresh in your mind. You will also find that a written report done now will be a useful tool six months later when planning for the next meeting begins in earnest. Furthermore, if someone else assumes responsibility for the next course, he/she will not have to start from scratch.

We ask that you complete the circle for this continuing education activity by writing a brief narrative summary of what you have concluded from the evaluation. What were the strengths of the activity? Were the objectives achieved? What went poorly? What should be done differently next time to improve the course? A few samples of a evaluation summaries are included in the following pages. Please send your evaluation summary the Clinical Support Center to include in the permanent file for the activity.


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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852