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Expanded Satellite Communication Test and Evaluation

This FMCSA initiative was authorized in the 2004 Senate Conference Report 108-401: As proposed by the Senate, the conference agreement directs $2,000,000 from funds provided for the high-priority initiative program for an expanded satellite-based mobile communications system to monitor and track hazardous materials and high-value cargo in uncovered areas of the United States. As a result, FMCSA conducted a pilot test of a wireless, satellite-based mobile communications tracking system to monitor hazardous materials and high-value cargo that will help improve communications in Alaska and Hawaii where satellite-based tracking services were not available or were partially available. During the pilot test, an expanded satellite-based mobile communications tracking (ESCT) system was tested in the operations of five carriers along major routes in Alaska and Hawaii. The test results and evaluation were published in 2008.

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