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Multiscale Experimental Ecosystem Research Center (MEERC)

University of Maryland - Center for Environmental Science

The MEERC was established in 1992 to establish principles for scaling ecosystem structure, function and dynamics and to use these principles as the basis for predicting ecosystem responses to perturbations. Using physical and athematical models of aquatic ecosystem of the land-sea interface from tidal wetlands (marsh and submersed plants) to pelagic-benthic systems of the open water, the goals of MEERC are to: (1) establish experimental ecosystems that exhibit reproducible responses to perturbations over a range of scales and nutrient enrichment regimes; (2) quantify and parametize scale-dependent responses to nutrients and contaminant imputs (or their analogues); (3) construct predictive models of ecosystem variability that interpolate across scales in experimental nature; and (4) determine the uncertainty associated with such predictions.

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