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May 10, 2009   
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Content Last Revised: 8/12/83

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 500  

Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection




Subpart B  

Registration of Farm Labor Contractors and Employees of Farm Labor Contractors Engaged in Farm Labor Contracting Activities

29 CFR 500.40 - Registration in general. Registration Requirements; General

  • Section Number: 500.40
  • Section Name: Registration in general. Registration Requirements; General

    Any person who desires to engage in any activity as a farm labor 
contractor, as defined in the Act and these regulations, and is not 
exempt, is required first to obtain a Certificate of Registration 
authorizing each such activity. Any employee of a registered farm labor 
contractor who performs farm labor contracting activities solely on 
behalf of such contractor, and who is not an independent contractor, 
must obtain a Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate of Registration 
authorizing each such activity. The employee's certificate must show the 
name of the farm labor contractor for whom the activities are to be 
performed. The contractor whose name appears on the employee's 
certificate must hold a valid Certificate of Registration covering the 
entire period shown on the employee's certificate.

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