Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial banner.  1853 Benson Lossing engraving of Arlington House with faces of Lee-Custis family members and slaves.

History & Restoration

Arlington House Architecture and Construction

Family Member Bios

George Washington Parke Custis
Mary Lee Fitzhugh Custis
Robert Edward Lee
Mary Anna Randolph Custis Lee

George Washington Custis Lee
Mary Custis Lee
William Henry Fitzhugh "Rooney" Lee
Anne Carter Lee
Eleanor Agnes Lee
Robert Edward Lee, Jr.
Mildred Childe Lee

Slavery at Arlington

The Gray Family
The Burke Family
The Syphax Family
Jim Parks' Lifelong Contribution to Arlington

Christmas at Arlington
Lee Family Evacuation

Tour the House

Second Floor
Upper Hall
Girls' Dressing Room
Lee Girls' Chamber

Miss Mary's Chamber
Small Chamber
Lee Boys' Chamber

Colonel & Mrs. Lee's Chamber

Winter Kitchen
Wine Cellar
