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STEP: A Federal Research Program - conducting research that links to practice

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STEP Brochure

HTML and PDF (194 KB)

FY2006/FY2007 Surface Transportation Environment and Planning Cooperative Research Program (STEP) Report


Surface Transportation Environment and Planning Cooperative Research Program (STEP) Presentation

HTML and PowerPoint (955 KB). A PowerPoint viewer is available from Microsoft.

Surface Transportation Environment and Planning Research Program (STEP) Fact Sheets

Surface Transportation Environmental Research: A Long-Term Strategy

TRB Special Report 268 - Surface Transportation Environmental Research: A Long-Term Strategy defines a broad and ambitious research program to address and inform major public policy debates about the effects of surface transportation facilities and operations on the human and natural environments. The committee that conducted the study identified major gaps in knowledge that could be filled through a cooperative program of research involving federal agencies, states, and environmental organizations. The committee recommended creation of a new cooperative research program to carry out its recommended research agenda.

Environmental Research Needs in Transportation: Report of a Conference

Environmental Research Needs in Transportation: Report of a Conference, Washington, DC, March 21-23, 2002: Every 5 years the Transportation Research Board conducts a Transportation Environmental Research Needs Conference to select and draft top-priority statements of environmental research needs. This report contains the proceedings of the most recent of these conferences, which was held in March 2002, this time with a multimodal perspective. In the proceedings are top research needs identified at the conference, along with background papers. These are organized into chapters for each of the following 15 topic areas: Air Quality; Community Impacts, Environmental Justice, and Public Involvement; Context-Sensitive Design, Including Aesthetics and Visual Quality; Cultural Resources; Energy and Alternative Fuels; Environmental Information Management; Environmental Streamlining and Stewardship; Integrated Environmental Decision Making; Land Use and Transportation; Noise; Sustainability, Including Climate Change: Cause and Effects; Transportation, Human Health, and Physical Activity; Waste Management and Environmental Management: Recycling, Waste, Pollution Prevention, Brownfields; Water Quality and Hydrology; and Wetlands, Wildlife, and Ecosystems.

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