News Releases

Stamison to Head GSA's Pacific Rim Region

GSA # 9908

November 27, 2001
Contact: Deborah K. Ruiz, (202) 501-1231

SAN FRANCISCO - At a special ceremony this morning, Peter G. Stamison of Glendale, California, was sworn-in by Administrator Stephen A. Perry of the U.S. General Services Administration as the GSA's eighth Pacific Rim Regional Administrator. His new position is effective today.

"Peter has over 20 years of success in the public and private sectors," said Mr. Perry. "His success is testimony of his leadership abilities in strategic management and customer focus. We are truly fortunate to have the opportunity to appoint him to this post and I look forward to Peter joining GSA's leadership team." Chief Justice Ron George of the California Supreme Court, former California governor Pete Wilson and former state senator Nicholas Petris (D-Oakland) attended the ceremony.

In his role as principal executive of the region, Mr. Stamison will head a GSA workforce of 1,300 associates across California, Nevada, Arizona and Hawaii, as well as in Japan, Korea and the U.S. territory of Guam. Headquartered in San Francisco, California, GSA's Pacific Rim Region has an annual operating budget estimated at $1 billion and a real estate portfolio that includes 195 government-owned buildings and leased space in 791 commercial buildings.

Previously, Mr. Stamison served as the Director of the Department of General Services for the State of California, the state equivalent of GSA. Under his leadership, DGS successfully implemented the regional facilities plan for the Bay Area, including consolidation of state facilities in two new state office buildings in Oakland and San Francisco. Within 18 months after completion, state agencies were paying less in state-owned buildings than the going market rate. His career also includes posts as vice president of marketing/business and customer development with a Lockheed firm and as President and CEO of Business Information Transmission Systems. Prior to 1985, he was also Vice President and co-founder of TMC of Southern California.

"It is indeed a privilege and honor to serve the Bush Administration, particularly at this time of assault upon our nation's freedom, values and very way of life. Our Pacific Rim Region's strategic position demands that our associates deliver to our clients the best in services, the safest and most secure workplaces, in a most competent, compassionate and taxpayer friendly manner. I am dedicated to this President and Administrator to leading such a region."

Mr. Stamison earned a bachelor of science degree in business administration from Northwestern University, Kellogg School, in 1964. He and his wife Karin reside in Glendale, California. They have four adult children.

GSA is a centralized federal procurement and property management agency created by Congress to improve government efficiency and help federal agencies better serve the public. It acquires, on behalf of federal agencies, office space, equipment, telecommunications, information technology, supplies and services. GSA, comprised of 14,000 associates, provides services and solutions for the office operations of over 1 million federal workers located in 8,300 government -owned and leased buildings in 1,600 U.S. communities.

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