News Releases Provides Important Public Information Helping Americans Respond to the National Tragedy

GSA #9874

September 13, 2001
Contact: Eleni Martin (202) 501-1231

Washington, DC -- (, the official U.S. Government Internet portal to all Federal and state government information, went online today with a special section providing information to assist the public in response to yesterday's tragic events in New York City and Washington, D.C.

The special feature section, "U.S. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION AND RESOURCES IN RESPONSE TO THE SEPTEMBER 11 EVENTS," points to web-based information on relief services and organizations and status updates of those directly effected by the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

The site contains information from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other government and private organizations that are providing response and recovery services to the public. This is the first time the public has been able to go to one place to find this information. is the official U.S. Government Internet portal which provides, in a fraction of a second, access to over 31 million pages of Federal government information, services, forms and transactions. It also connects to the Internet portal for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, adding an additional 16 million pages of information and services.

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Last Reviewed 9/30/2008