News Releases

GSA Awards Second FBI Task Order for IT Upgrade

GSA # 9833

June 12, 2001
Contact: Deborah K. Ruiz, (202) 501-1231

WASHINGTON, DC - The General Services Administration, has selected Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) for a multi-million dollar task order under its Millennium contract to upgrade the Federal Bureau of Investigation's IT infrastructure.

Part of GSA's Federal Technology Service, the Federal Systems Integration and Management Center (FEDSIM) selected SAIC from 11 FTS Millennia contract holders to complete the task order responsible for enterprise-wide improvement of user access and information availability within investigative applications at the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Worth more than $14 million over the first year, this award will continue the FBI information technology upgrade by focusing on the User Application Component. It is the second of two Millennia task orders in support of the FBI's Trilogy Program, an effort to upgrade the agency's IT infrastructure over three years.

"FEDSIM's responsiveness and its value-added service of crafting a functionally-oriented task order was key to the FBI," said Bob Suda, Assistant Commissioner for GSA's Office of Information Technology Solutions.

Both timely and cost-effective, Millennia is a multiple-award, indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity contract vehicle that enables GSA to meet the federal government's demand for large systems integration and development projects.

The first award in excess of $51 million dollars over the first year was recently made to DynCorp Information & Enterprise Technology of Reston, Va.

For additional information, contact Jeff Williams at (703) 605-9963 or visit the GSA's FEDSIM Web page at

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