News Releases

GSA Moving Ahead on Next Generation of Government Card Services

GSA #9372

December 31, 1996
Contact: Hap Connors

Partnership with Agency Customers, Industry will Create Next Generation of Government Fleet, Travel and Purchases Cards

WASHINGTON, D.C.--The challenge of electronic government will make for exciting times in the next generation of the federal government's card-based systems, according to David J. Barram, acting Administrator of the U.S. General Services Administration.

On December 19, 1996, GSA issued a draft statement of work (SOW) for card-based services to further simplify government purchases of more than $6 billion a year of travel, supplies and fleet services. It also includes a proposal that reflects an integrated solution similar to a "smart card."

The draft incorporates the findings of focus groups and forums with federal agencies and industry representatives earlier this year to identify agency requirements and determine the availability of technology in the industry. GSA added the requirement of an integrated solution for fleet management, travel and purchase services to create a singular, streamlined environment.

Barram said, "Our goal is to create a migration path for the progression from paper based to electronic systems. There is a sound business case for industry participation and competition in providing commercial services along this path."

Card-based systems are playing an integral role in streamlining government processes. The availability of the enhanced technologies made available under these systems is providing the federal government with tools that not only streamline processes, but also improve accountability and tracking of transactions.

Currently, there are over 1.6 million cards in use under the three business lines. During FY96 the card volume was over $6 billion. Growth potential of these card based systems is considered to be substantial over the life of the next generation of contracts.

The GSA has invited federal agency and industry comments on the draft SOW and the proposed acquisition strategy. The comments are due by February 12, 1997. The draft SOW can be downloaded from the World Wide Web at

Comments may be electronically transmitted to: or mailed to her at the Services Acquisition Center (FCXC), Federal Supply Service, Washington, DC 20406


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