News Releases

GSA Showcases Border Station Program in Traveling Exhibit

"Thresholds Along the Frontier: Contemporary US Border Stations"

GSA # 10206

January 23, 2006
Contact: MaryAnne Beatty (202) 501-1231

Washington, DC—The General Services Administration (GSA) today announced the opening of a traveling exhibit, Thresholds Along the Frontier:  Contemporary US Border Stations, which will provide the American public with an opportunity to see contemporary design in border station architecture.  This exhibit will showcase 12 border stations and three Art-in-Architecture border station commissions.  The exhibit will open in Buffalo, New York, on February 1, 2006, at the State University of New York at Buffalo’s School of Architecture and Planning. 

“Crossing the border between the United States and Canada or Mexico is a significant experience.  It is also an event increasingly distinguished by iconic architecture.  Despite the large scale and seriousness of purpose, our border stations strive to convey a sense of openness and welcome that is a hallmark of America’s history,” said David Winstead, Commissioner of GSA’s Public Buildings Service, the federal agency responsible for the design and construction of border stations for the Department of Homeland Security’s Bureau of Customs and Border Protection.

Border station architecture is an emerging building type.  Border stations themselves did not exist until the early decades of the 20th century.  Initially, they were modest in form and domestically-scaled.  In the last 25 years, however, they have grown in number, size, complexity, and design sophistication.  Today, they integrate advanced security, incorporate sustainable design strategies, and include art commissions. 

The exhibit will remain in Buffalo until March 13, 2006, and will then travel to other schools of architecture and public venues in the United States and Canada.  In addition to text and image panels, the exhibit includes architectural models and art maquettes.  For more information on GSA’s Design Excellence Program, visit


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