News Releases

Financial Management Line of Business Seeks Comments on Guidance

May 24, 2006

GSA # 10243

Contact: Viki Reath 202-501-1231

WASHINGTON – The U.S. General Services Administration’s Financial Systems Integration Office (FSIO) seeks comments on the Financial Management Line of Business (FMLoB) Migration Planning Guidance, posted on

Comments are due June 12 on the guidance, which is part of a plan to implement the Federal FMLoB, a President’s Management Agenda initiative to help agencies improve the cost, quality, and performance of financial management systems, by fostering efficiencies in federal financial systems and operations.

The guidance is devised to help agencies make good decisions on whether to migrate to a shared service provider, under the FMLoB initiative, which aims to enable agencies to leverage shared services and to implement government-wide reforms to improved financial management services government-wide.

To do this, Federal agencies need to evaluate costs, benefits, and risks of the various alternatives for supporting financial management systems and operations. Shared federal and commercial services may present viable alternatives to in-house solutions to better manage the risk, performance, and cost of implementing and operating financial systems. Specifically, the draft guidance provides:

  • Directions for conducting competitions to identify the best shared-service provider.
  • Answers to questions on Federal and commercial shared-service providers.
  • Tools and templates for:
    • Procurement guidance
    • Change-management guidance.
    • Implementation guidance.
  • Menu of services from Federal and commercial shared-service providers
  • Service-level agreements

Written comments are due by e-mail by close of business June 12, 2006 to Comments should be submitted on the Draft FMLoB Migration Planning Guidance Comment Tracking Sheet found at  Questions about the draft guidance should be directed to


GSA is a centralized, federal procurement, property management, policy development and information provision agency, created by Congress to improve government efficiency and help federal agencies better serve the public.  In this role, GSA acquires products and services on behalf of federal agencies; plays a key role in developing and implementing governmentwide policies; provides services and solutions for the office operations of more than one million federal workers; and encourages a citizen-centric relationship with government by providing a single “point of entry” to the information and services citizens need in a timeframe they can appreciate.  This allows citizens to receive accurate, timely and consistent answers and information, and helps federal agencies better respond to citizen inquiries.

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