News Releases

IT Resources Board to Release Project Management Handbook

GSA #9434
Contact: Bill Bearden

WASHINGTON, DC�To help federal agencies translate broad public missions into projects with concrete results, the IT Resources Board (ITRB) will release its handbook, Project Management for Mission Critical System, next week at the Interagency Resources Management Conference to be held September 2 - 5 in Hershey, PA.

The ITRB, established in July 1996 under Executive Order 13011, is a result of changes brought on by the passage of the Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA). The Board's mission is to assist federal executives in the procurement, development and management of major information systems. Its members are practitioners with management, technical and acquisition experience, from civilian and defense departments and agencies, who work to promote measurable improvements in mission performance and service delivery to the public through the strategic application of information technology.

Under the sponsorship of the Office of Management and Budget, the ITRB conducts independent peer assessments of selected federal information systems. Project Management for Mission Critical Systems is derived from actual ITRB assessments. The handbook sets out a concise, high-level framework for project management that offers a quick, sensible overview of useful practices and tools to help government managers accomplish their program objectives.

Each year, the U.S. General Services Administration hosts the Interagency Resources Management Conference, or IRMCO, which is the premier conference for government IT executives and employees. Among agenda items for this year's conference are discussions on the Year 2000; ITMRA implementation; electronic government and commerce; capital planning; the Internet; international IT innovations; procurement and contracting trends, and legislative issues.

Project Management for Mission Critical Systems will be available on the ITRB's Internet web site ( on September 7th. For hard copies contact Ginni Schaeffer at (202) 501-0357, or

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Last Reviewed 9/30/2008