News Releases

GSA Announces Changes in CIO Leadership

GSA# 9449

November 4, 1997
Contact: Bill Bearden
(202) 501-12131 or

WASHINGTON, DC-- David J. Barram, Administrator of the U.S. General Services Administration, has announced several major changes in the leadership of GSA's Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO). The CIO is responsible for managing GSA's business information technology program.

Barram named Shereen Remez as the CIO replacement for retiring Joe Thompson, and Donald Heffernan as the deputy CIO replacing retiring Donald Venneberg. Both appointments are effective January 4, 1998.

Barram said that the experience and knowledge of both Remez and Heffernan will "assure the continuance of GSA's sharp technology advances to help shape workplaces of the future".

Thompson and Venneberg plan to continue their professional affiliations in the private sector.

"Joe Thompson and Don Venneberg have done a terrific job in initiating a dramatic change in the way we view our technology investments," Barram said. "As one of the lead agencies in implementing the Clinger-Cohen Act, I am gratified that their outstanding leadership has produced such tangible results for GSA and the government in a very short time."

As part of the new CIO team, Barram named Aki Nakao, currently deputy Regional Administrator of GSA's Pacific Rim Region, to become GSA's director of Regional Information Infrastructure. In addition, John Landers, who is the deputy Associate Administrator for the Office of Management and Workplace Programs, will become the CIO director for Data Warehousing. These appointments are effective immediately.

Remez currently serves as assistant CIO for Planning and IT Architecture. She has 27 years of Federal service and an extensive background in communications and IT capital planning. As the lead architect of GSA's Capital Planning Process and of the agency's IT Architecture initiative, Remez brings to the CIO role a strong commitment to change and has demonstrated the leadership required to assure GSA's continued role as a successful model for state-of-the-art business technology.

Heffernan, the current assistant CIO for Information Infrastructure and Support, will continue his present role in addition to becoming deputy CIO. Heffernan has served in the Federal government for 24 years in a variety of positions including GSA's director of Personnel. As the head of GSA's information infrastructure, he was the leader in making GSA the first government agency to provide Internet access to all of its employees and implementing an agency Intranet service for its employees. He has in-depth experience and understanding of networking and communications.

Also effective January 4, 1998, Diane Savoy, GSA's Capital Planning Director, will become acting assistant CIO for Planning and IT Architecture. Diane Herdt, GSA's director for Information Infrastructure will lead GSA's initiative to establish an enterprise Corporate Information Network to improve electronic communications and leverage business technology among GSA's offices nationwide.

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