News Releases

GSA Builds Green as Earth Day Turns 30

GSA #9675

April 20, 2000
Contact: Peggy Strain (202) 501-1231

Washington, DC -- The 30th anniversary of Earth Day will be observed Saturday, April 22, by the U.S. General Services Administration at EarthFair 2000 on the National Mall. Educational exhibits regarding "building green," recycling construction waste and teleworking will be featured along with a display of three alternative fuel vehicles, including an electric truck.

"The entire effort reflects GSA's commitment to build green, buy green, save green and drive green," said David J. Barram, administrator of the agency.

A cornerstone of the GSA environmental initiative is the Public Buildings Service's Build Green program, aimed at using resources efficiently. One example of that is the increased use of building, construction and landscape materials with recycled content. Beginning in fiscal year 2003, all GSA capital projects will meet the criteria of the U.S. Green Buildings Council rating system of environmental performance. Additional information regarding "Build Green" endeavors will be presented by GSA Earth Day exhibits.

GSA has adopted the concept of "sustainable design" in constructing and modernizing federal buildings across the country. Sustainable design is the term given to design, construction, and operation of buildings to reduce negative impact on the environment and maximize health and comfort of building occupants. Concerns addressed by sustainable design include energy efficiency and site and transportation issues. Resource conservation, recycling and indoor environmental quality are other factors.

The exhibits will be displayed at the "People Tent," on the mall on Ninth Street between Madison and Jefferson Drives from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.

"Enviro," GSA's environmental eagle, will be on hand to delight children who also will be treated to animal-shaped balloons along with the three-piece GSA band. The agency is among dozens of federal departments, non-profit groups and corporations celebrating the 30th anniversary of Earth Day at the mall.

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Last Reviewed 4/3/2009