News Releases

GSA Solicits Offers for Smart ID Card Products and Services

GSA #9632

January 11, 2000
Contact: Bill Bearden (202) 501-1231

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. General Services Administration issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) on January 7 for GSA's Smart ID Card procurement. The contract will provide federal agencies with an easy to use source for purchasing interoperable smart cards for physical and computer security needs. It will also cover smart card technology application development and provide agencies with access to integrated smart card solutions including both cards and services. Agencies will be able to reap the benefits of procuring smart cards that are interoperable throughout the federal government and, at the same time, will acquire specific services customized to meet their needs.

Smart cards were initially proposed for federal employees in the Administration's FY 1999 budget, and GSA has been promoting their use for the past several years, having been assigned that role earlier by OMB. Last year GSA's smart card program was placed under FTS Commissioner Dennis Fischer, who has called smart cards the "key to the future" in areas such as building access, secure computer access, and electronic purchasing. Charles Self, Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Information Technology Integration called the move a "perfect fit" for merging smart cards with other FTS emerging technologies and solutions programs.

GSA's Federal Technology Service, Federal Computer Acquisition Center issued the RFP and contract requirements were assembled by the Office of Smart Card Initiatives. FTS worked with GSA's Office of Governmentwide Policy and representatives from agencies across the federal government. According to Office of Smart Card Initiatives Director Mickey Femino, GSA was asked by these representatives to "develop requirements for a common, interoperable government ID card and a contract vehicle that was easy and efficient for purchasing smart card services from multiple vendors." The Smart ID Card procurement will establish a primary contract vehicle for use by federal agencies to meet these requirements.

GSA's Office of Smart Card Initiatives is available to show agencies or organizations the advantages of this cutting edge technology and to demonstrate how smart cards can work for them. GSA jointly with the Navy operates a Smart Card Technology Center at GSA's Central Office in Washington, D.C. For a tour or additional information about GSA's smart card program call (202) 208-3055.

Additional information concerning the Smart ID Card procurement is available at or by calling David Monahan, contracting officer at (703) 605-9818.
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