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Reference Frequently Asked Questions
FOIA Requests
  1. How to Request Records Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)?

    This guide is a simple explanation of how to use the FOIA to request records from the U.S. Government. Before requesting records under the FOIA, look for it on the Internet. An extensive amount of information is available on government Web sites, with volumes more being added every day. Many agency websites can be found by entering www.[agencyname].gov (,, etc.).

  2. What agencies are and are not covered by the FOIA?

    The FOIA applies to documents created by or in the possession of executive branch agencies including:

    • Cabinet agencies
    • Military branches
    • Government corporations
    • Government controlled corporations
    • Independent regulatory agencies
    • Other executive branch offices and
    • Commissions.

    The FOIA does NOT apply to:

    • Any elected official of the US Government (i.e., Congress)
    • Officers of the Federal Judiciary Branch (i.e., Judges)
    • Private citizens
    • Private companies or associations
    • Government contractors
    • Government grant holders and
    • State or local governments.
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  3. What information can be requested under the FOIA?

    You may mail or fax requests for any records created by or in the possession of an agency. GSA accepts e-mail request as well. Certain records are not releasable under a FOIA request if one or more of the following exemptions apply:

    • Classified defense and foreign policy information
    • Internal agency rules and practices
    • Information prohibited from disclosure under other laws
    • Trade secrets and confidential business practices
    • Inter or intra-agency communications protected under law
    • Information involving matters of personal privacy
    • Certain information regarding law enforcement
    • Information on supervision of financial institutions
    • Geological information on wells
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  4. To whom should FOIA requests be sent?

    FOIA requests must be sent directly to the agency that has the records you want.

  5. How should FOIA information (i.e., records) be requested?

    FOIA requests may be made by letter, fax or by completing the online form. If mailing, you should also mark both the letter and the outside of the envelope, "Freedom of Information Act Request", to speed its handling by the agency. It is vital that you identify in the letter the information or records you want as clearly and specifically as possible. By law, agencies must respond to FOIA requests within 20 working days of receipt. Agencies may extend this time if necessary, but they must send the requestor written notice of the extension.

  6. May I obtain task orders from your Agency?

    The task orders are available from GSA only if GSA actually initiated the task order. Contracts awarded by GSA allow individual agencies to place delivery/task orders against/under these contracts to satisfy their requirements. To obtain a copy of a task order placed by another agency, you need to submit your request to the agency that issued the delivery/task order.