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You are here: Topics > Natural resources
Energy resources
Natural resources that are used for heat and power generation, including oil, natural gas, coal, and geothermal energy.
Coal resources (12 items)
Natural gas resources (23 items)
Oil resources (20 items)
Geothermal resources (8 items)
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Results 1 - 50 of 50 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Energy Resources Program [New Window]
Links to Energy Resources Program research on coal, oil & gas, other energy sources, environment & human health, publications, energy resource assessment, and Geo-Data Explorer (GEODE).
Energy Resources Program - Western Region [New Window]
Home page for the Western Region Energy Resources Program with links to Alaska petroleum studies project, coal, oil and gas, other energy sources, environment and human health, publications, energy links, and GEODE.
Eastern Energy Resources Team (EERT) [New Window]
Links to overview, major programs, products and publications on coal, oil & gas, environment & human health, and resource economics, and special applications (Geo-Data Explorer (GEODE) and Kidzone)
Alaska petroleum resources [New Window]
Information on Alaskan energy resources in oil, petroleum, and natural gas with links to publications and other research.
Coal-bed gas resources of the Rocky Mountain region [New Window]
Summary of the technically recoverable coal-bed gas resources of the Rocky Mountain region.
Distribution of high-temperature (>150 °C) geothermal resources in California [New Window]
Description and map of geothermal resources in California.
National Coal Resources Data System - US Coal Quality Database [New Window]
Searchable database, the COALQUAL database, presented here and in the USGS Open-file Report 97-134, is a subset of samples contained in the NCRDS (National Coal Resources Data System) database, and contains coal quality data on each sample.
National Coal Resources Data System - US Coal Resource Database (USGCOAL) [New Window]
Searchable database for locating information on coal resources by area, coalfield, coalbed, rank, quadrangle, source, years, or characteristics of thickness, overburden, and reliability.
Natural gas hydrates: vast resources, uncertain future [New Window]
Fact sheet (PDF format) on gas hydrates occurrence, recovery, and use as an energy source.
Central Energy Team [New Window]
The Central Energy Team, Denver, in the USGS Energy Resources Program, provides assessments of energy resources (coal, oil, natural gas). Site links to world and national assessments, publications and products, and Methane Field Conference.
Central Energy Team publications [New Window]
Catalog of USGS publications on energy resources of the U.S. including online publications, paper publications, and geospatial products (interactive maps and GIS data)
Plus side of volcanoes: geothermal energy [New Window]
Examples of the use of volcanic energy in geothermal power plants.
1999 resource assessment of selected Tertiary coal beds and zones in the northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains region. [New Window]
Coal resources, stratigraphy, geochemistry, coal quality and geology of Tertiary coal beds and zones in the northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains regions. Text in PDF format and available on CD-ROM.
Additional oil and natural gas research [New Window]
Brief descriptions, contacts, and links to other information and products for research programs of the USGS Central Energy Team on gas hydrates, petroleum expulsion, unconventional natural gas, petroleum systems, and reserve growth.
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1002 Area, petroleum assessment, 1998, including economic analysis [New Window]
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) 1002 area's petroleum resource assessment. Text available in PDF and HTML formats.
Coal Resource Classification System of the U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey [New Window]
A report published jointly by the U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey giving definitions of coal resource classification terms.
Coal Resource Classification System of the U.S. Geological Survey [New Window]
The classification system by which coal is classified into resource/reserve base/reserve categories on the basis of the geologic assurance of the existence of those categories and on the economic feasibility of their recovery.
Coal on federal lands [New Window]
Information on coal on federally owned public lands with links to database and maps for federal coal ownership of the United States, Rocky Mountains and Great Plains, and Colorado Plateau.
Coal-bed methane: potential and concerns [New Window]
Fact sheet in PDF format on occurrence and recoverability of coalbed methane in the U.S. and related environmental concerns.
Coal-mine-drainage projects in Pennsylvania [New Window]
Studies by the USGS documenting the extent of surface-water and ground water degradation associated with coal mining in Pennsylvania and the effects of mining and reclamation practices. Includes map of mine sites.
Coalbed methane studies [New Window]
Methane (natural gas), while frequently developed with petroleum, also occurs in association with coal and accounts for about 7.5 percent of U.S. natural gas production. Links to digital publications on coalbed methane.
Economics of undiscovered oil in the federal lands of the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska [New Window]
Online report summarizing the economic analysis of the U.S. Geological Survey's 2002 petroleum assessment of the Federal lands in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska (NPRA) study area.
Field Conference on Impacts of Coalbed Methane Development in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. [New Window]
Field trip to Powder River Basin coalbed methane (CBM) development areas showing impacts related to drilling, facilities, pipeline networks, access roads, withdrawal, and disposal of co-produced water from CBM wells.
Gas hydrate studies: a part of the Geophysics Group [New Window]
Brief overview of gas hydrates and current research. Site also contains links to related USGS research and publications and web sites of other groups participating in gas hydrate research.
Geology [New Window]
Homepage about the Geology Discipline with links to what's new, publications, real-time hazards information, partnerships, fellowship program, and major science programs.
Geothermal and hydrothermal activity [New Window]
Glossary of geothermal and hydrothermal activity terms.
Geothermal industry temperature profiles from the Great Basin [New Window]
Subsurface temperature, well temperature, and well data of geothermal resources in the Great Basin.
Geysers, fumaroles, and hot springs [New Window]
Description of volcanic geysers, fumaroles, and hot springs.
Global inventory of natural gas hydrate occurrence [New Window]
This updated global inventory reports on natural gas hydrate recovered or inferred from geophysical, geochemical, or geological evidence. Includes links to world location maps, inventories, references and posters. Also in PDF format files.
Hydrates cruise in the Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Investigation of the upper- and middle continental slope of the Mississippi Canyon, including the Gulf of Mexico, for the distribution of gas-hydrate deposits with links to a DEM image map, bathymetry data, and research technology.
Hydrologic studies in Long Valley caldera [New Window]
Hydrologic monitoring data for Long Valley caldera, California, on springs, streams, wells, fumaroles, and precipitation to study the natural hydrologic variations and the response of the hydrologic system to volcanic and tectonic processes.
Map showing geology, oil and gas fields and geologic provinces of Africa, ver. 2.0 [New Window]
Digitally compiled interactive maps with links to metadata, descriptions of map units, and data files.
National Coal Assessment [New Window]
The USGS National Coal Assessment provides a quantitative study of the nation's coal endowment. Links to digital publications with maps for the Illinois Basin, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico, and Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota.
National Coal Resource Assessment: Geologic assessment of coal in the Colorado Plateau: Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah [New Window]
Coal resources, stratigraphy, geochemistry, coal quality and geology of coal in the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Text in PDF format and available on CD-ROM.
National Geologic Map Database Catalog [New Window]
Search tool for locating print and online U.S. geologic maps by area, title, author, etc.
National Oil and Gas Assessment [New Window]
Links to oil and gas assessment maps of major basins in the United States and to related publications, and products.
National Petroleum Reserve Alaska Legacy Data Archive [New Window]
Access is provided to seismic data, image files of seismic data, well logs, and cores of petroleum reserves in Alaska from the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, and (NPRA) Legacy Data Archive.
Natural oil and gas seeps in California [New Window]
Distribution and characteristics of natural oil and gas seeps in California, including processes of formation and effects on the environment; with discussion of tar pits and asphaltum.
Organic Geochemistry Laboratory in Denver [New Window]
Description of the Denver Organic Geochemistry Laboratory where chemical and geological data is used to research the physical and chemical processes of hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation, with links to programs, personnel, and products.
Organic metamorphism in the California petroleum basins: Chapter A - ROCK-EVAL and vitrinite reflectance [New Window]
Part A of a complex report on the results of ROCK-EVAL and vitrinite reflectance analysis of a large sample base from more than 70 wells located in three oil-rich California petroleum basins in order to study the formation of oil deposits.
Organic metamorphism in the California petroleum basins: Chapter B - Insights from extractable bitumen and saturated hydrocarbons [New Window]
Part B of a complex report on the results of geochemical analysis of 75 shale samples from the Los Angeles, Ventura, and San Joaquin Basins to gather observations relevant to exploration regarding the formation of oil deposits in these basins.
Osage-Skiatook Petroleum Environmental Research Project, Lake Skiatook, Osage County, Oklahoma [New Window]
Study of the effects on the environment of hydrocarbons and produced water (brines) at Skiatook Lake, Osage Reservation, Oklahoma, with links to maps, photos, and data.
Produced waters database [New Window]
Database provides information on petroleum reservoirs, type and abundance of constituents dissolved in produced water, geochemical reactions between the water and rock, hydrology and geologic, spatial distribution of petroleum production areas.
Scientists discover analog for extraterrestrial life in Idaho Hot Springs [New Window]
Report on a community of microscopic organisms, Archaea, found deep in an Idaho hot spring living on hydrogen and carbon dioxide that could possibly exist on other planets. Includes links to related studies, investigators, and microbiology.
USGS activities in Texas [New Window]
Brief summaries of USGS projects in Texas including water quality monitoring, digital mapping, energy resources, U.S.-Mexico border mapping, fish and wildlife health, Kemp's Ridley sea turtle, and conditions affecting water quality.
Volcano Hazards Program, Long Valley Observatory [New Window]
Overview of the Long Valley Caldera with links to monitoring data including earthquakes and deformations, long-term outlook, volcano hazards in the area, USGS response plan, image gallery, monitoring and topical studies, publications and references.
Water co-produced with coalbed methane in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming: preliminary compositional data [New Window]
Compositional data on water from 47 CBM wells sampled in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Data on major, minor, and trace elements are included.
World Coal Quality Inventory (WoCQI) [New Window]
Homepage of the World Coal Quality Inventory (WoCQI) with sample collection procedures.
World Petroleum Assessment 2000: description and results [New Window]
World Petroleum Assessment 2000 estimates of the quantities of conventional oil, gas, and natural gas liquids outside the United States that have the potential to be added to reserves in the next 30 years (1995 to 2025).
World petroleum assessment [New Window]
A rigorous geologic foundation for estimating world undiscovered energy resources. Links to world energy resources text and maps (PDF format), total petroleum system (TPS), and world geologic maps.

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