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Justice For All (JFA) Email
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Justice For All (JFA) Email Newsletter

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Justice For All (JFA) Email is a free service of AAPD that shares disability news (legislation and policy, popular culture, etc.) and issues calls to action to advocates across the country in the form of an email newsletter that typically comes out twice weekly. AAPD’s JFA Email exists to defend and advance disability rights and is central to AAPD's mission of organizing the disability community to be a powerful force for change – politically, economically, and socially.

Established in 1995 to defend and protect disability rights and disability programs specific to the 104th Congress, AAPD’s JFA Email has since grown to become a highly–respected and relied-upon source of national disability news and action alerts.

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To start receiving JFA Email, simply submit your email address in the box at the bottom of the page.

AAPD’s JFActivist blog was launched in Fall 2007 as an enhancing, interactive supplement to AAPD’s Justice For All Email. The JFActivist blog is designed to be a cross-disability, cross-country source of disability news and original columns, where advocates can come to comment on the news that affects our lives, share in victories, get mad then motivated by defeats, and take action!

Advocates are encouraged to submit comments to daily blog posts and join the discussion!

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