U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives


Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Data

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (www.cdc.gov/brfss), or BRFSS, is as state-based surveillance system which collects information on selected health behaviors in the United States. The BRFSS is a random digit dial telephone survey conducted in every state and most U.S. territories. These data are used to: “establish and track health objectives, identify emerging health problems, and develop and evaluate health policies and programs” (CDC, 2008).

In 2008, IHS downloaded the public use datasets from the CDC BRFSS website for the years 2003 through 2007. These data were analyzed for nine select conditions among American Indians/Alaskan Natives and All Races Combined. To help stabilize the results among AI/ANs during the analysis, the data was categorized from states into one of six IHS statistical areas as demonstrated in this recent CDC MMWR (www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5734a3.htm). Results of the analysis can be either viewed through Microsoft PowerPoint slides, or through tables by clicking one of the two links below.

Health Behaviors among American Indians and Alaskan Natives and All Races Combined, by Region, using CDC BRFSS data, US--2003-2007

  US Total
Selected Health Behavior: AI/ANs
% (95% CI)
All Races
% (95% CI)
Percentage of all adults reporting health status as good or better: 73.4 (72.0-74.7) 83.7 (83.6-83.8)
Percentage of all adults that are non-smokers: 67.8 (66.4-69.2) 79.5 (79.3-79.6)
Percentage of all adults that are non-drinkers: 53.4 (51.9-54.9) 46.0 (45.9-46.2)
Percentage of all adults that did not binge1 drink: 81.1 (79.8-82.3) 84.8 (84.7-85.0)
Percentage of all adults that did not heavy2 drink: 93.3 (92.4-94.1) 94.8 (94.7-94.9)
Percentage of all adults neither overweight nor obese (e.g., a BMI < 25.0): 33.0 (31.5-34.5) 39.0 (38.9-39.2)
Percentage of all adults that exercised in the past 30 days: 71.0 (69.6-72.3) 75.8 (75.6-75.9)
Percentage of all adults that were ever told they have diabetes3: 11.6 (10.4-12.8) 7.9 (7.8-8.0)
Percentage of all adults that were ever told they have high blood pressure4: 26.0 (24.6-27.5) 26.6 (26.4-26.7)

1Binge drinking is defined as 5 or more drinks among men and women on one occasion during 2003-2005 and 5 or more drinks for men and 4 or more drinks for women during 2006-2007.
2Heavy drinking is defined as an average of 1 or more drinks per day among women or 2 or more drinks per day among men in the past 30 days.
3Does not include gestational diabetes or diabetes identified during pregnancy.
4Estimates based on data from the following years: 2003, 2005, and 2007.
Suggested Citation: DW Jarman, "Health Behaviors among American Indians and Alaskan Natives and All Races Combined, by Region, using CDC BRFSS data, US--2003-2007." Available at: http://www.ihs.gov/NonMedicalPrograms/HPDP/

To Obtain Region Specific Estimates and PowerPoint Presentation Slides, Click on a Region of the Map or One of the Buttons Below

Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Northern Plains region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Northern Plains region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Pacific Coast region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the South West region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Southern Plains region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Northern Plains region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Pacific Coast region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Southern Plains region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Northern Plains region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. 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Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Northern Plains region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Southern Plains region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Northern Plains region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Northern Plains region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Northern Plains region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Pacific Coast region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the South West region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Pacific Coast region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the South West region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the Alaska region. Click on this region of the map to show regional specific data for the East region. The map shown is linked to information on health behaviors among American Indians and Alaskan Natives and All Races Combined in the United States from 2003 through 2007. Click on a region of the map to obtain this information by specific region.


For more information, visit the Health Promotion/Disease Prevention web site

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