DOT News Public Affairs Masthead

Wednesday, October 27, 1999
Contact: Patricia Klinger or Debbie Hinz
Tel: 202-366-4831
RSPA 31-99


Citing U.S. Transportation Secretary Rodney E. Slater’s resolve to continue U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) efforts to further safeguard the pipeline system in the state of Washington, Research and Special Programs Administrator (RSPA) Kelley S. Coyner today announced additional measures that DOT, specifically RSPA, will be undertaking.

"This effort once again underscores our commitment to safety, which is President Clinton’s highest transportation priority," U.S. Transportation Secretary Rodney E. Slater said. "These measures and the partnerships we develop will lead to lasting improvements in pipeline safety."

In response to a June 10 Olympic Pipeline incident in Bellingham, Wash., DOT’s RSPA announced a comprehensive review of all pipelines in the state of Washington. The plan calls for the agency’s Office of Pipeline Safety to work jointly with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in conducting an assessment of all the pipelines within its boundaries and reporting potential pipeline risks and target areas for improvement. The time required for completion of this project is anticipated to be six months.

"This comprehensive review will focus on all the pipelines in Washington state and will provide the department, along with the state and local governments, an opportunity to strengthen the existing partnerships we have with one another," Coyner said. "This will allow the communities an opportunity to be involved in our continuing efforts to ensure that accidents, such as the one that occurred in Bellingham, will be prevented in the future."

In addition to the comprehensive review, Coyner announced the appointment of Marilyn Showalter, chairman of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, to serve as a three-year member of the Technical Hazardous Liquids Pipeline Safety Standards Committee. In her former position, Showalter served as the senior policy advisor to Washington Governor Gary Locke on energy and telecommunications issues. She also has served as the chief clerk in the Washington State House of Representatives, counsel to the Governor of Washington, and senior deputy prosecuting attorney for King County, Washington.

The committee is one of two statutorily mandated advisory committees that assist RSPA's Office of Pipeline Safety in its consideration of proposed safety regulations, risk assessments, and safety policies for hazardous liquid and natural gas pipelines. Each committee has an authorized membership of 15 persons, five each from government, industry, and the public.

The committees meet in May and November of each year.


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