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2000 Progress Report: Physico-Chemical Assessment for Treatment of Storm Water From Impervious Urban Watersheds Typical of the Gulf Coast

EPA Grant Number: R827933C019
Subproject: this is subproject number 019 , established and managed by the Center Director under grant R825427
(EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).

Center: Urban Waste Management and Research Center (University New Orleans)
Center Director: McManis, Kenneth
Title: Physico-Chemical Assessment for Treatment of Storm Water From Impervious Urban Watersheds Typical of the Gulf Coast
Investigators: Sansalone, John , Cartledge, Frank K. , Tittlebaum, Marty
Institution: Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge , University of New Orleans
EPA Project Officer: Krishnan, Bala S.
Project Period: July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2002
Project Period Covered by this Report: July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001
RFA: Urban Waste Management & Research Center (1998)
Research Category: Targeted Research



There are three objectives of the research project. The first objective will focus on an understanding of unit operations and processes that can provide effective storm water treatment based on the physico-chemical characteristics of urban storm water. For example, under conditions of low residence time, low runoff pH and low alkalinity, heavy metals in storm water can be mainly dissolved. Such characteristics suggest a unit process such as adsorption or surface complexation either onto a fixed media surface or partitioning to solids that are subsequently clarified or filtered. On the other hand, higher pH values suggest partitioning to the particulate phase where unit operations such as filtration can be used directly. This understanding will provide evaluation of the technical viability of treatment train-type unit operations and processes and the potential for effective combination of such operations and processes into a single or compact design. Specifically, based on the experience of the Principal Investigators, operations and processes most likely to demonstrate viability are combinations of Type I and II clarification, mechanisms of filtration (Metcalf and Eddy, 1991), and surface complexation mechanisms that can range from sorption to precipitation (Stumm, 1992). Viability will be dependent on flow and entrained solid/suspended matter parameters, and runoff residence time on the catchment. Within the best management practice (BMP), operating parameters that influence effectiveness include pH, redox, alkalinity as well as BMP design based on operation/process selection for targeted constituents.

The second objective requires an understanding of the physical and chemical characteristics of storm water runoff. Characterization will be conducted at both experimental sites, the existing site in Baton Rouge (I-10 over City Park Lake) and at an elevated transportation corridor in metropolitan New Orleans. Both sites will be utilized for characterization of loadings, traffic and heavy metal partitioning, solids characteristics, and suspended matter behavior. This objective will include field data collection that includes site hydrology, local climate conditions, and field water quality measurements (pH, redox, temperature and turbidity) across a range of discrete events. In the laboratory, objectives will include measurement of water quality parameters not measured in the field, including dissolved and particulate-bound heavy metals, alkalinity, COD, TSS/VSS, TDS/VDS, residuals gradations, surface and chemical characteristics. A major component of this objective is assessment of residuals to determine potential treatment as a hazardous waste. The specific techniques to be employed for this assessment are metals concentration/mass analysis (through leach-ability, microwave digestion and ICP-MS), metal distribution (x-ray microtomography), and metal speciation by x-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS, XANES).

The final objective will require design of a BMP. BMP design will be based on the synthesis of viability for operation and process mechanisms combined with the fundamental physico-chemical characteristics of storm water. For the third objective, understanding from Objectives 1 and 2 will be applied to evaluation of an experimental BMP (a sorptive floating bead clarifier, SFBC) designed for elevated infrastructure typical of the Gulf Coast region. The SFBC will be installed and loaded by storm water generated from the overhead I-10 pavement catchment over City Park Lake at the urban Baton Rouge site. Specifically, this objective will focus on development of a field-operated SFBC to provide synthesis of required unit operations and processes applied for both the dissolved and entrained particulate phases of storm water. Data, results, and interpretation gained from this objective will allow the modification and eventual refinement of a SFBC as a control measure BMP for elevated urban and transportation infrastructure. In the field, this objective will consist of field measurements including loading and performance characteristics of the SFBC such as flow and head loss measurements, influent and effluent turbidity, pH and redox conditions in the SFBC, representative sampling of influent and effluent of the SFBC, and residuals accumulation within the SFBC. In the laboratory, this objective will consist of measurement of influent and effluent water quality parameters not measured in the field including dissolved and particulate-bound heavy metals, alkalinity, TSS/VSS, and TDS/VDS.

Three SFBCs will be installed at the Baton Rouge site. One will be an experimental SFBC, one will be a control SFBC, and one will be a sacrificial SFBC. The experimental and control SFBC will be backwashed after each captured event to assess differences in experimental modifications, assess mass balances and restore any loss in hydraulic and residual storage capacity after each event. The sacrificial SFBC will be loaded across each captured event along with the experimental and control SFBCs without backwashing or residuals withdrawal, until failure occurs. Failure criteria will include solids breakthrough, dissolved constituent breakthrough, loss of hydraulic capacity due to head loss buildup, or exhaustion of residuals storage capacity. SFBC development, refinement, and eventually viability will be an iterative process. Therefore, SFBCs will be designed and installed at the Baton Rouge experimental site within the first year of the research effort.

Progress Summary:

Although elevated highways are by no means peculiar to the State of Louisiana, there does exist a disproportionately large extent of elevated structures across the state, given its size (112,835 km2) and population (4,372,000). This is illustrated by normalizing the total elevated highway area (TEHA) to population (Figure 1: bottom left) and total highway area for each state (Figure 1: bottom right), both plotted as a frequency distribution. As can be seen from Figure 1, both of these indices for the State of Louisiana (shaded in black) lie more than two standard deviations above the national mean (marked by a dashed line). Of the total 205,315 lane-km of highway in Louisiana, 11 percent are elevated, a percentage equaled only by Hawaii.

Ten rainfall-runoff events from an elevated section of I-10 (average daily traffic count 78,000) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, were characterized and three rainfall-runoff events from an elevated roadway section of I-10 at the 610 split were characterized. Site mean concentrations of total suspended solids (400-mg/L) are approximately twice as large as concentrations found in untreated domestic wastewater generated from within the same service area. Event mean concentrations of COD were similar to untreated domestic wastewater (350-mg/L). Chemical oxygen demand (COD) partition into dissolved and particulate-bound fractions as a function of pH, pavement residence time, and organic content of the solids. In general, "first-flush" type signatures propagated throughout the entire event, with differing magnitudes for the particulate and dissolved phase pollutants. Results indicate that for this site, there exists a correlation of approximately one-to-one between conductivity (µs/cm) and total dissolved solids [mg/L]. The characterization of storm water runoff provides scientific insight for effective treatment strategies to control this waste stream.

A passive treatment system adopted from in situ adsorptive-filtration systems was installed to treat storm water from an elevated section of Interstate 10 at the City Park Lake experimental site in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Results indicate pollutant mass removal efficiencies of greater than 90 percent could be realized for total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, and total chemical oxygen demand (COD). Removal efficiencies were not affected by a highly variable influent composition or extended periods of non-operation between storms. Approximately 1,000 pore-volume equivalents have been treated, and neither breakthrough nor head loss accumulation have been observed, indicating treatment capacity has not been exceeded. This study documents how the logistics of elevated highways over water influence the treatment performance viability and operational design of treatment strategies, and in particular, the operation of a passive sorptive media clarifier (SMC) for storm water runoff from an elevated infrastructure.

Future Activities:

During the next year, event-based water quality characterization will continue. There will be three areas of future activities: (1) characterization of equilibrium partitioning between dissolved and particulate bound metals; (2) particle analyses in storm water runoff; and (3) development and testing of a second generation sorptive media clarifier. A peer-reviewed publication on the event-based water quality issues from the sites will be completed and submitted. Additional funding for the sites and continuation of the research will be pursued.

Journal Articles:

No journal articles submitted with this report: View all 13 publications for this subproject

Supplemental Keywords:

clarification, flocculation, power law, speciation, partitioning, total maximum daily loads. , Ecosystem Protection/Environmental Exposure & Risk, Water, TREATMENT/CONTROL, Scientific Discipline, Waste, RFA, Ecosystem/Assessment/Indicators, Water & Watershed, Ground Water, Water Pollution Control, Civil/Environmental Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry, Wet Weather Flows, Environmental Engineering, Hydrology, Municipal, Watersheds, Monitoring/Modeling, Engineering, heavy metal contamination, heavy metals, industrial waste, runoff, water quality, industrial chemicals, wastewater treatment, physico-chemical assessment, industrial wastestream, storm water, detection system, detecting disharges, contaminant transport, wastewater management, pathogens, urban watersheds, storm drainage, stormwater, stormwater runoff, cross-connected waste, storm drainage systems, microbial pollution, non-point sources, organic contaminants, waste management, nutrients, municipal waste, watershed assessment
Relevant Websites:

http://uwmrc.cjb.net exit EPA

Progress and Final Reports:
Original Abstract
Final Report

Main Center Abstract and Reports:
R825427    Urban Waste Management and Research Center (University New Orleans)

Subprojects under this Center: (EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).
R825427C001 Comprehensive Evaluation of The Dual Trickling Filter Solids Contact Process
R825427C002 Issues Involving the Vertical Expansion of Landfills
R825427C003 Deep Foundations on Brownfields Sites
R825427C004 Ambient Particulate Concentration Model for Traffic Intersections
R825427C005 Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Approaches for I/I Reduction
R825427C006 Urban Solid Waste Management Videos
R825427C007 UWMRC Community Outreach Multimedia Exhibit
R825427C008 Including New Technology into the Investigation of Inappropriate Pollutant Entries into Storm Drainage Systems - A User's Guide
R825427C009 Investigation of Hydraulic Characteristics and Alternative Model Development of Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands
R825427C010 Beneficial Use Of Urban Runoff For Wetland Enhancement
R825427C011 Urban Storm and Waste Water Outfall Modeling
R827933C001 Development of a Model Sediment Control Ordinance for Louisisana
R827933C002 Inappropriate Discharge to Stormwater Drainage (Demonstration Project)
R827933C003 Alternate Liner Evaluation Model
R827933C004 LA DNR - DEQ - Regional Waste Management
R827933C005 Landfill Design Specifications
R827933C006 Geosynthetic Clay Liners as Alternative Barrier Systems
R827933C007 Used Tire Monofill
R827933C008 A Comparison of Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (USAB) and the Anaerobic Biofilm Fluidized Bed Reactor (ABFBR) for the Treatment of Municipal Wastewater
R827933C009 Integrated Environmental Management Plan for Shipbuilding Facilities
R827933C010 Nicaragua
R827933C011 Louisiana Environmental Education and Resource Program
R827933C012 Costa Rica - Costa Rican Initiative
R827933C013 Evaluation of Cr(VI) Exposure Assessment in the Shipbuilding Industry
R827933C014 LaTAP, Louisiana Technical Assistance Program: Pollution Prevention for Small Businesses
R827933C015 Louisiana Environmental Leadership Pollution Prevention Program
R827933C016 Inexpensive Non-Toxic Pigment Substitute for Chromium in Primer for Aluminum Sibstrate
R827933C017 China - Innovative Waste Composting Plan for the City of Benxi, People's Rupublic of China
R827933C018 Institutional Control in Brownfields Redevelopment: A Methodology for Community Participation and Sustainability
R827933C019 Physico-Chemical Assessment for Treatment of Storm Water From Impervious Urban Watersheds Typical of the Gulf Coast
R827933C020 Influence of Cyclic Interfacial Redox Conditions on the Structure and Integrity of Clay Liners for Landfills Subject to Variable High Groundwater Conditions in the Gulf Coast Region
R827933C021 Characterizing Moisture Content Within Landfills
R827933C022 Bioreactor Landfill Moisture Management
R827933C023 Urban Water Issues: A Video Series
R827933C024 Water Quality Modeling in Urban Storm Water Systems
R827933C025 The Development of a Web Based Instruction (WBI) Program for the UWMRC User's Guide (Investigation of Inappropriate Pollutant Entries Into Storm Drainage Systems)
R827933C027 Legal Issues of SSO's: Private Property Sources and Non-NPDES Entities
R827933C028 Brownfields Issues: A Video Series
R827933C029 Facultative Landfill Bioreactors (FLB): A Pilot-Scale Study of Waste Stabilization, Landfill Gas Emissions, Leachate Treatment, and Landfill Geotechnical Properties
R827933C030 Advances in Municipal Wastewater Treatment
R827933C031 Design Criteria for Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation
R827933C032 Deep Foundations in Brownfield Areas: Continuing Investigation
R827933C033 Gradation-Based Transport, Kinetics, Coagulation, and Flocculation of Urban Watershed Rainfall-Runoff Particulate Matter
R827933C034 Leaching and Stabilization of Solid-Phase Residuals Separated by Storm Water BMPs Capturing Urban Runoff Impacted by Transportation Activities and Infrastructure
R827933C035 Fate of Pathogens in Storm Water Runoff
R87933C020 Influence of Cyclic Interfacial Redox Conditions on the Structure and Integrity of Clay Liners for Landfills Subject to Variable High Groundwater Conditions in the Gulf Coast Region

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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